Celestino partnership update

As our partnership with Celestino continues to grow from strength to strength, an important student/partner forum was held at the end of Term 3. Twelve Year 10 and 11 students met with Duncan Challen (General Manager Business Development, Celestino), Simon Toze (Director, Urban Water Futures), Angela Schumacher (Education Consultant – Pathways and Partnerships,  AISNSW) and Tim Muster (Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO) to provide constructive feedback on the STEM opportunities that have been provided so far.

As the College transitions into phase 2 of the partnership with Celestino, opportunities are being explored into how we can capitalise on the inspiration provided through the Elective Geography Urban Living Lab program, where students work alongside industry mentors to develop an urban design strategy that could be implemented in the Sydney Science Park.

Analysis of the impact of the partnership on current student future pathways will allow us to best prepare our current students for the future world of work. The development of transdisciplinary skills and providing opportunities for urban design related work experience opportunities will form a critical component of the next step.

If you would be able to assist with potential work experience opportunities, please contact Kim Maksimovic (kmaksimovic@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au) and Liam Hume (lhume@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au) to discuss further.