From our Chaplains
We hope you had fun on Halloween on Monday. In a world where there are many stories of pain and suffering, it is important to enjoy the little things, so I hope you and/or your children enjoyed dressing up and trick or treating.
On a more serious note, this Tuesday in the Christian calendar marked All Saints Day and Wednesday was All Souls Day. These two dates in the Christian tradition are about recognising those saints who have gone before us, which in the modern church are moving beyond the Christian tradition, acknowledging those greats who have changed the world and our experience of it. People like Aristotle, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Theresa and then mixed into this our own grandparents and other loved ones – those saints we’ve known, who have in themselves made the presence and light of God known to us.
In the Uniting Church, we are reminded on All Saints Day to celebrate our living saints, that is, those people in our lives now, who make the love, presence and light of God known to us.
My prayer is that we may live with the awareness that those we love – our partners, children, family and friends – make the Holy One known and experienced by us. Reminding us of how grateful we are and should be about the blessing they are to us – and be challenged and encouraged to be a blessing to them.
Blessings in Christ.