From the Boarding School
From our Head of Boarding
It is always exciting to welcome our Boarders back and to hear the joy of our Boarding family coming together again for another term. It was especially nice that some of our parents could join us for dinner and start off the term by ‘Eating Like a Boarder’.
It was a much quieter term break here on campus with just some of our Year 12 Boarders on site to attend the College Study Camp. My thanks go to our fabulous Lang House staff, and particularly Anne Graham, Roz Martindale and Vicki McGilvery, who cared for these girls during the time when they would normally be on a break themselves. Anne also took the time to lead our much anticipated ‘Bringing the Joy of Art to Boarding’ project and I am sure the girls will appreciate the new installations that were lovingly and expertly installed by our Facilities team.
Staying Healthy and Well
As always, we have a strong focus on personal and environmental hygiene in order to minimise the risk of infectious disease. We will continue our twice weekly Rapid Antigen Surveillance Testing and strongly encourage the Boarders to wear masks when in indoors. Thank you in advance for your willingness to promptly collect your daughter should she become unwell.
Boarding Hits the Road
This week our Deputy Director of Boarding, Mrs Katie White, will be out and about meeting families in North Western New South Wales. If you are in Moree on this Thursday or Tamworth on Friday or Saturday, please call in and say hello to team Pymble!
Loving Love It
The Love It program is back and bigger and better than ever. We have lots of exciting opportunities for the girls to engage, have fun and get to know each other and local Boarders. This week we have the Year 11 Formal, a trip to the driving range and the opportunity for a ferry ride to Manly for a day of exploration. A hard copy of the program is available in the Houses, or you can click here for the link to the program.
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 14 August – Gordon and Pymble Uniting Church Service (no leave for Boarders between 9.00am and 11.00am)
Friday 16 September – Boarding Parent Group Meeting, 2.00pm
Friday 16 September – Boarding Community Event (no leave for Boarders from 4.00pm), 7.00pm
Saturday 17 September – Garden Party (no leave for Boarders)
Tuesday 20 September – Year 12 Boarders and Parents’ Celebration
Friday 23 September- Boarders’ Travel Day
Mrs Carolyn Burgess
Director of Boarding
Save the Date
Please add the following dates to your Boarding calendar. If you missed out on a copy of our calendar, please let us know at and we will send one out to you.
Friday 22 July and Saturday 23 July
Boarding Schools Expo Tamworth
Sunday 14 August
Combined Chapel Service, all Boarders are required to attend
Tuesday 13 September
Boarders’ End of Term Chapel and Year 12 Farewell, all Boarders are required to attend
Friday 16 September
Boarding Family Event there will be no leave for Boarders between 5.00pm Friday 16 September and 3.00pm Saturday 17 September
Saturday 17 September
Garden Party
Tuesday 20 September
Year 12 Parents and Boarders Celebration
Tuesday 29 November
End of Term Chapel and Christmas Dinner