From the Director of Community Engagement and Advancement

Upcoming Term 4 Events 

It’s hard to believe that we’re already in Week 3 and that the end of next week will mark the halfway point of Term 4. Things certainly move fast here at Pymble, and I can already sense everyone’s excitement as we inch closer towards the holiday period. There is, however, still plenty to get done in the last five weeks of term, and, as always, we’d love to have your company at the many events we have upcoming. To check out our full calendar of events, please click here.

Pymble in Scone

It’s always very special to connect with our Boarding families, and Pymble’s recent trip to Scone was a very special one. Our Chair of Board, Mr James Hunter, and our Principal, Dr Kate Hadwen, enjoyed celebrating all things Boarding with past, present and future families from the Upper Hunter Region.

Perhaps the most impressive moment of the night was hearing from one of our Boarders, Mia (Year 8), who spoke to the audience and shared her first-hand account of what it’s like to be a Boarder at Pymble.

‘Speaking of teens: Holding onto love’: links for further information

After receiving a great amount of interest from parents, we have decided to extend the online availability of the video recording of our parenting forum Speaking of teens: Holding onto love. The recording will be available to watch on YouTube until Thursday 4 November, so get in quick if you would like to see what was discussed. Click here to view the recording.

Additionally, if you would like to learn more about our panellists, access discounts and links to their publications and see a summary of the content from the forum, the program can also be viewed here.

Reviewing the Pymble School Uniform

As you may know, our Deputy Principal – Students, Ms Lamia Rockwell, has begun the process of reviewing the Pymble school uniform. The review will consider many things such as comfort, practicality and style, and we would like to get input from all members of our community, including students, parents and carers and alumni.

Starting in Week 5, we will be hosting focus groups to gather insights to determine the future of the Pymble uniform and what changes, if any, will be made. Please look out for focus group booking information on MyPymble and in next week’s newsletter.

Feedback – We want to hear what you think about our technology assets

The Community Engagement team is always keen for an opportunity to hear feedback from our Pymble family. Last term’s focus groups gave us a real insight into our community’s needs. To drill down further on what we heard during the focus groups, we have prepared a short survey and would be grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to complete this to help us with our event planning for 2023. Please click here to complete the survey.

The knowledge we have accumulated from these initiatives has been invaluable for our team in planning events and tweaking communication pathways, thus we have planned further avenues for parent feedback.

In Week 4 this term, we are looking to hold another set of focus groups, this time directed at the technology processes we use to communicate with our community. If you would like to participate in this series of sessions, please contact


Mrs Kelly Mancey
Director – Community Engagement & Advancement