From the Pymble Parent Association

Last Tuesday, more than 70 Pymble dads came together to discuss how we can design a dads’ community at Pymble at an informal session at the Greengate Hotel.

With dads standing around flipcharts, Denis Brown and Dr Arne Rubinstein presented some thought-starting ideas for the group before breaking into groups to brainstorm ideas. Dr Arne shared compelling evidence of the opportunities dads can have on their daughters’ relationships, academic results and general wellbeing.

Following the ideas session, James Hunter, Chair of Council, shared a story of his connection with his daughter during her school life, and Dr Hadwen shared her story of the role of a father from a daughter’s perspective.  

We received hundreds of post-it notes with comments and ideas, which are now being distilled into plans to take forward. We have more than 20 dads who volunteered to progress the community. There was amazing energy from the dads present to increase involvement with the school and find ways to connect with our daughters and each other. 

For any dads who may have missed the evening and are keen to join the steering team, please contact Denis Brown at

Mr Denis Brown