Term 2 Secondary School Ensemble Concert Photos
There are some wonderful photos of all the music groups from the Term 2 Ensemble Concert: Auf Wiedersehen – Farewell Mrs Turner and our Music Class of 2022. These can be purchased through LightBox Photography. Please follow the details below.
- Visit:
- Select ‘View and Order Photos’ from the right hand menu.
- User registration will be required to view your photos the first time.
- Enter your name, email and a user password. Note: This ‘password’ is not the access login but your own user password that you create. This prevents others accessing your photo order.
- Select ‘Access Gallery’ (top right).
- Enter the following code into ‘Access Gallery’ Photos code: music2022
- To view the photos on repeated occasions only your email and ‘user password’ is required.
- In the ‘Prints & Products’ column select the product with associated size.
- Selection of prints
- Block mount prints
- Canvas prints
- To finalise your order please select ‘Check Out’ and complete the payment and postal details.
- Options for sending your order can be via online or postage (Lightbox Photography, 24 Alder Avenue, Lane Cove SYDNEY 2066)
If you have any further inquiries please contact Lindsay Kearney – 0425 255 264
City of Sydney Eisteddfod Results
Congratulations to the Amazon Trio who competed in the City of Sydney Eisteddfod (19 Years and Under Chamber Music). The students performed exceptionally well and were awarded second place.
The Amazon Trio comprises clarinettist Aine Oo (Year 9), cellist Gabrielle Zhong (Year 11) and pianist Ella Liu (Year 9). The ensemble was established in 2021, under the guidance of Mrs Sabina Turner. The trio has worked closely with various renowned artists and musicians including Frank Celata, Zoltán Szabó, Clemens Leske and Kathryn Selby.
The name “Amazon” reflects the powerful ancient female warriors with their synchronicity and passion. As a group they strive to be closely bonded and musically complete.
Later this year the students will travel to Melbourne to compete as finalists in the Strike a Chord at the Melbourne Concert Hall.