To channel the vibe of the beautiful young people we have the pleasure of caring for and learning with each day, I have to say this term has been epic. There was no chill factor whatsoever but it was so notlame. This of course translates loosely to: we’ve spent a fabulous 11 weeks together – the longest period of time on campus in a couple of years – and we have all worked incredibly hard to achieve some amazing things, despite the ever-present threat of COVID-19, but now we are cooked and looking forward to some downtime over the Easter break.
The girls have been incredible. Taking our ‘Let’s Get Creative’ theme to heart, they stepped up to ‘Dream, think and make it happen’. Torrential rain may have postponed or changed the nature of their events and competitions but they did not let this affect their commitment. A sudden need to self-isolate due to COVID-19 or being a household contact may have necessitated a slightly different plan, but online or in person, our girls stayed true to the course, giving their all.
To all our students who represented Pymble during Term 1, whether that was in the fabulous Mamma Mia musical, athletics, rowing, cross country, swimming, diving, badminton, robotics, tennis, sailing, equestrian, touch football, debating, drama, theatre sports, dance, off-site outdoor education programs, Model United Nations or any of the other sports and activities you do so well, thank you for always showing up as your best self and making us #PymbleProud. On that note, best wishes to our Cattle Club girls who are competing at the Royal Easter Show this weekend with our College steers Squirt and Squirrel. I will be there to cheer you on!
A huge thank you also goes to our parents, who are genuinely our partners in all that we do at the College. It has been wonderful to have you back on campus this term, and we are grateful for all your efforts to keep COVID at bay while simultaneously supporting your daughters’ learning. It was such a joy to welcome many of you to our Icebreaker celebration on Friday night and humbling to have so many parents come up to me to acknowledge the outstanding work of our staff during a challenging term of hybrid learning on campus and online.
Which brings me to the other heroes of the term, our phenomenal teaching and operational staff.
Our amazing Pymble staff have tapped every inch of their creativity and energy to perfect the crazy, exhausting and ever-changing juggle of trying to teach and run a school on campus, support remote online learning and look after their own families’ needs, all while testing and checking for their need to self-isolate and pivoting back to working from home when required. They truly have given their all in trying to be everything to everyone all of the time and for that they have my utmost respect and heartfelt thanks.
In our hybrid online/in-person Combined Assembly on Wednesday, I asked all students, wherever they were watching, to show their appreciation for staff in the room with them. During the standing ovation and world’s longest round of applause in the gymnasium with Years 9 and 10, I have never felt prouder. Thank you, girls, from the bottom of my heart, for your ability to celebrate the very special people around you. May this always stay part of who you are.
Our Costumes for Cancer initiative this week exemplified the care, commitment and creativity that has characterised the term. Re-scheduled for the Secondary School on the one sunny day of the week and re-imagined for the Junior School as a danceathon thanks to Wednesday’s downpour, Costumes for Cancer ended up raising a $15,000 donation for the North Foundation, which supports hospitals and research units with the Northern Sydney Local Health District.
The significance of the girls’ efforts was brought home by a visit from Dr William Stevenson from the Haematology Department at Royal North Shore Hospital and one of his patients, Susan, a leukaemia survivor. Dr Stevenson told our Secondary School girls that the funds raised by Pymble will support an upgrade to RNS’s system used to match life-saving bone marrow transplant donors all around the world with their leukaemia patients. In the Junior School, Susan shared her positive message of how new research and medicines offer hope for the future and a way to help others. Well done to our Service Prefect Madison Lyster and her year group Service Leaders for blitzing their ambitious target of $10,000 and empowering our girls to want to change the world for those living with leukaemia.
Signing off now until Term 2, with enormous gratitude for our Pymble family and wishing one and all a safe and restful break.
Dr Kate Hadwen
COVID-19 Response Plans and Advice
The countdown is on until the end of our 11-week term – the longest period of time we have been on campus together for many months. While there’s palpable fatigue amongst us all, in true Pymble style we are resilient, and our students will continue to participate, learn, create, celebrate and thrive until 3.20pm on Thursday 7 April, the last day of term.
We remain mindful of our community’s wellbeing as we approach the holidays and for that reason will continue to avoid large indoor group gatherings for students, encourage mask-wearing and remind families that students with cold/flu-like symptoms (COVID related or linked to the new Super Cold) must stay home. We want everyone to enjoy a healthy holiday free from the limitations of imposed home isolation.
It’s fair to say that the Pymble community has been beyond impressive at managing COVID-19. There has been a spike in numbers over the past two weeks; however, as we learn about the impact of COVID amongst some of our neighbouring schools, we thank you for your conscientious approach to minimising the spread at Pymble.
From the Director of Student Learning (Years 7 to 10)
Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN – Term 2 Notification
Every year, the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is administered to students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The test window is set by NAPLAN and cannot be changed. Moreover, participation in NAPLAN is required for all students.
Please be aware that the test window for Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN is Wednesday 11 May through to Friday 20 May. More information regarding the test and the test organisation at Pymble will be sent early Term 2.
Years 7 to 10 Elective Subject Change Requests
The deadline for Elective Subject Change Requests has arrived; any requests made moving forward for 2022 will require extraordinary or exceptional circumstances. Should you have any questions, contact at your earliest convenience.
Learning Discussions for Years 7 and 9
Please save the date for Thursday 28 April. It is absolutely vital that you are available for the entire Learning Discussion booking window (4.30pm to 8.30pm). More information has been provided to you by our Academic Operations team; please ensure you read the email.
Illness Misadventure Application (IMA) – Reminder about Documentation
Thank you for your ongoing support of the College whilst we continue to navigate the impacts of COVID-19 on student learning. The Curriculum page (available via the Parent Portal and Pymble Knowledge) contains our Assessment Related Policies and Procedures booklet and the Illness Misadventure Application (IMA).
Please note that relevant documentation is required (i.e. a medical certificate) and will be requested by the Curriculum Office should an application be received without the documentation. Also, ensure that the description is sufficient to provide context about the issues arising as this helps determine which special consideration(s) may be appropriate.
Mr Jake Plaskett
Director of Student Learning (Years 7 to 10)
From the Director of Student Learning (Years 11 to 12)
Time for Reflection and Planning
As we come to the end of Term 1, an important high impact learning strategy is for students to reflect on their learning. Years 11 and 12 students have just completed assessments and will be receiving their feedback. Below are some questions they should be asking themselves:
What are my strengths – which topics/skills did I perform well in and why? What study strategies worked well?
Where did I lose my marks – exam technique, gaps in understanding, not reading the question?
What are my barriers to improving?
What strategies am I going to put in place to break those barriers and improve?
The answers to these questions will be unique for each student and each subject. They are encouraged to work with their teachers to develop specific strategies for improvement.
As parents it is tempting to just ask, “What mark did you get?” “What was your rank in this task?” This data is a small part of the story when assessments are returned.
Assessments are for learning as well as of learning. Some great questions to engage your daughters in a discussion about their assessments are:
What did you learn by doing this task?
What part of this assessment are you proud of?
What actions are you going to take to seek further feedback, if needed, or improve?
What support would you like from me?
A reminder that After Hours Study is now open until 8.00pm Monday to Thursday. Years 11 and 12 students can book for study help with English teachers and alumni. Utilising this free service could be part of your daughter’s strategies for Term 2.
Wishing all families a relaxing break so we are recharged for Term 2.
Mrs Natasha Stanfield
Director of Student Learning (Years 11 to 12)
From our Chaplains
In the Church calendar we enter into Passion Week/Palm Sunday and begin Holy Week, though in the Orthodox calendar it will be a bit later. We wish our Jewish families a happy Passover, and our Muslim families Ramadan Kareem. In the midst of our religious diversity we are unified by our prayerful intention as we think of Lismore and surrounding areas seeking to recover following the floods as well as the people of Ukraine and Russia, and surrounding countries embroiled in the struggle for peace. May God grant us peace in times of war and a blessed Easter for those of us celebrating.
I would like to share the thoughts of our Environment Prefect, Sophia Croudace, who accompanied a group of students and staff to the recent SS4C (Climate Action) in Kirribilli on 25 March. I had the privilege of attending with them.
“On 25 March, more than 3,000 people from across NSW gathered outside the Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s house at Kirribilli to protest climate inaction, in solidarity with the victims of the recent flooding crisis. Union members, politicians, students, and activists alike were united in their demand for the complete obsoletion of fossil fuels by 2040, accompanied by a just transition to renewable energy. For the first time, the 2022 IPCC report emphasised the importance of participatory decision-making, youth voice, Indigenous and local community knowledge, and gender considerations in creating effective climate responses. It stressed that social justice must lay the framework for equitable climate solutions. Despite the onus being placed on women, children and minorities to be the voice of our survival, our calls for the preservation of our planet are insubstantially addressed by those in power.
The Pymble students in attendance, including myself, cried out for our government to recognise the duty of care they have to the environment, to our futures, and our most vulnerable communities. The youth of Australia reject a policy of climate denialism which has been upheld in the face of horrific natural disasters, displacement and devastation. The ecological threats we are facing today are the result of years of ongoing hyper development, unsustainable land and ocean use, marginalisation, colonialism and governmental negligence. These human-induced problems can only be rectified with human solutions, and thus it is our prerogative, whether we have power or not, to fight for the future of our planet.” – Sophia Croudace, Environment Prefect.
Have a safe and relaxing break.
Reverend Punam Bent
College Chaplain
From the Junior School
From our Head of Junior School
As we approach the holidays, I want to say a heartfelt thank you to you all for your endless support, kindness and love to my team throughout this term. It’s been a challenging start to the year with COVID-19 restrictions, gastro bugs and COVID-19 impacting many of our families and lots of rain and yet we’ve shone with a sense of collective joy, hope, creativity and fun as a Junior School family. Thank you for your endless trust in us and your commitment to supporting your daughter’s learning journey in this our first term as a Junior School Kindergarten to Year 6.
It was wonderful to finally meet and chat with so many of you at the PPA Icebreaker on Friday evening. Kudos to those of you who showed real courage in having a go at the African dancing … I thought about it but wasn’t brave enough! I am sorry I didn’t get to chat to all of you who were there but hope you made new friendships and delighted in catching up with old friends too. There was a powerful positive energy buzzing in the room and it’s so good to be able to connect in person at last. We look forward to many more gatherings over the year. We’re looking to inviting our Year 2 and Year 3 families onto campus early in Term 2 so look out for information around those events in the coming weeks.
This week I launched the 100 Adventures to Complete Before you Finish Junior School challenge booklet to our girls. The aim is to inspire our girls to play outdoors, to try new things, to explore nature and enjoy some outdoor adventures as they grow and journey through the Junior School. This challenge is not compulsory and there are no prizes for the first to complete. The aim is to give the girls a challenge to aspire to throughout their Junior School days. Girls who complete all 100 challenges will be honoured for their achievement. I would love you to support your daughter in having a go at a couple of these challenges over the holiday.
Reflecting on our Learning
As Term 1 draws to a close it is an opportunity for our girls to reflect on their learning, the challenges faced, the solutions found, and projects completed. It is now a time to recharge the batteries ready for an exciting and busy Term 2.
For some of our girls they have shown adaptability as they have pivoted from on campus learning to online learning and back again. During this time they have demonstrated responsibility as a learner, making sure tasks were completed, where they continued to challenge themselves and have a go. Our girls have also used opportunities in their learning to develop skills in problem-solving, critical and creative thinking as well as the important skills of collaboration where they have actively listened to ideas and suggestions from their peers, kept to deadlines and proudly presented as a group their solutions to real world problems or used their voice to bring awareness and change.
Kindergarten explored Pymble and cared for ducklings as part of their Geography and Science units. Our Year 1 students created their own musical instruments in Science when learning about sound and continued to develop their writing skills, where they even wrote from the perspective of an ant! In History our Year 2 girls learned to construct tables to present historical information and visited the Old Schoolhouse Museum where they examined and reflected on artefacts of the past. Our Year 3 girls learned about change and continuity in communities and identified traces of the past in the present and explained their significance.
Diversity is celebrated in the Junior School. Our Year 4 students explored celebrations around the world. Year 5 investigated biodiversity found in the Pymble playground and wrote proposals to encourage biodiversity on our campus. Year 6 used their voices to bring awareness to discrimination and Human Rights and learned how to pass a Bill in Parliament.
I wish our girls and families a relaxing holiday enjoying Sydney’s beautiful autumnal weather.
Mrs Lara Bird
Deputy Head of Junior School – Academic
External Opportunities and Competitions
Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition
In Term 2, students in Years 3 to 6 will participate in the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition, Australia’s longest running annual poetry competition for school-aged children. This opportunity will be occurring within your daughter’s classes and will be supported by her literacy teacher or will be part of your daughter’s homework activity. The theme this year is ‘In my opinion’ and will provide students with a myriad of ways they can express their thoughts and feelings through the medium of poetry.
Tournament of Minds
Tournament of Minds (TOM) is a creative problem-solving challenge for teams of cross-grade students. Teams are required to work together on a long-term challenge for six weeks without assistance from teachers, parents or peers. Students and parents should be aware that TOM requires outside school preparation time with the team, including rehearsals. Tournament day is also on a weekend towards the end of August, and students chosen for the team MUST present their solutions on Tournament Day. No student substitutions allowed. Training at school will involve one full lunchtime per week. Teachers will choose teams with a range of individual skills and talents across a number of disciplines, as observed in school and in Co-curricular involvement. There are two Pymble TOM teams for girls in Years 5 and 6 in 2022. Years 5 and 6 girls have been provided with information on this tournament.
Future Problem-Solving
Year 5 students have been provided with information on the exciting opportunity to step into the future and develop creative solutions through the Future Problem-Solving program. The girls will explore a futuristic world riddled with problems and work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions. The program teaches problem-solving strategies, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and communication whilst also preparing the girls for the future. This will require a commitment of one lunchtime each week and additional research at home.
Throughout the year there will be more opportunities for students of all ages to participate in competitions within and external to Pymble and we will share these in our newsletter.
Our Week of Learning in Pictures
Please enjoy the Digital News created by our ICT Captains this week.
Focusing on our Mind, Body, Spirit
What a fantastic term we have had, and a fabulous start to the year. It has been full of new beginnings, opportunities to connect in person and the first full term for some of our girls in years. We have been so proud of how the girls have shown up and got involved in all aspects of school life with excitement and enthusiasm.
There have been some incredible highlights over the term and opportunities for our girls to connect with the Mind Body Spirit curriculum. We have had classes developing their Class Charter which reflects on how they would like to feel within the class environment and how they can contribute to our Junior School culture of kindness. We celebrated House spirit, with the girls connecting with their House and spending time together bonding and developing a sense of belonging across the Junior School. Our Year 3 girls have constructed a kindness tree that has allowed them to give shout outs to one another and positively affirm their peers. Our Year 4 girls have explored character strengths and the unique gifts they bring. Our Kindergarten and Year 2 girls have enjoyed their Nature Immersion; a time to connect with the beauty that surrounds them and carve out space to be. Our fantastic Year 5 girls have explored the theme of ‘Choose Kind’ and been researchers with Mrs Brown into the impact of kindness in our school and world. Our Year 6 girls have developed their leadership skills through focusing on Listening, Enthusiasm, Attitude, Determination, Energy and Respect and exploring the ways in which they can show up as their best selves. What a wonderful celebration of a proactive approach to wellbeing our community has displayed this term. I am so looking forward to what Term 2 will bring.
Mrs Kimberley Tyson
Deputy Head of Junior School – Students
Kindness Club – Years 1 to 3
Our wonderful Kindness leaders have celebrated the power of kindness and the fabulous job they have done in spreading kindness in our community by performing a reading of the picture book Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup.
Celebrating Student Voice
Thank you for your generosity in supporting our College charity, Costumes for Cancer. As a Junior School we have raised an impressive $7,413 so far. Thank you for helping your daughter to help others and understand the importance of showing kindness to others. We are so proud of the way the girls give of themselves to help others. They danced so enthusiastically on Wednesday as part of our ‘Walkathon’.
Mrs Nerissa Davey
Deputy Head of Junior School – Operations
Our Sustainability Focus – the Bottle Cap Drive
We are delighted with the amount of bottle caps we have received from our Junior School community. At last count we were exceptionally close to the target of 8,000! We know we can achieve this target. Please continue to collect caps over the holidays and send them in next term. A huge thank you to Giselle Man, Stacy Sharp, Lia Lin, Celine Soo, Leahara Wijesuriya, Natasha Horner, Sophie Harris and Jessie Gao (Year 6) who have displayed such leadership in assisting us to count the caps. They have encouraged our younger girls and been fierce advocates for the cause. We look forward to the creation of our mural throughout Term 2.
SRC – the Voice of our Junior School
Thank you to our Term 1 captains who have led the charge and been voices for their Compass classes and year groups and encouraged them to fill up their suggestion boxes. It is because of their voices that we have committed to these efforts:
Unstructured Play Day – postponed to Term 2
Bottle Cap Mural – almost at our target of 8,000 caps
PJ Day – Term 2
Another Bubble Disco – Term 2
Play Equipment for Years 3 to 6 at Lunchtime – Term 2 Arrival
Careers Day – Save the date
Last year we had an overwhelming response to our Careers Day in the Junior School. This was a wonderful opportunity for our parents to share their careers with our girls. We shall be holding this event again this year. Years 1 to 3 parents are invited on 19 May from 10.45am to 12.45pm and Years 4 to 6 on 20 May from 10.45am to 12.45pm. We have 30 spots available for each day so get in early! Apply at this LINK.
Congratulations to the following girls who qualified for this event by placing at IPSHA and CIS to compete at PSSA and for these fantastic results:
8 Year Girls Springboard 2nd Amelie Berg (Year 3)
9 Year Girls Springboard 1st Zara Ware (Year 3)
10 Year Girls Springboard 2nd Amélie Rahme (Year 4). Congratulations to Amelie who also qualified for the NSW team for SSA Nationals in Brisbane in November.
11 Year Girls Springboard5th Anne Liu (Year 6)
Congratulations to the following girls who qualified for this event by placing at IPSHA and CIS to compete at PSSA and for these fantastic results.
Kindergarten to Year 2 Co-curricular Sports and Activities
Registrations for all Kindergarten to Year 2 activities (except tennis) roll over into Term 2. To enrol for tennis in Term 2, please register online in the usual manner. Please email the Junior School Office with any changes to your daughter’s travel arrangements for Term 2.
Mrs Kate Brown
Head of Junior School
Important Dates
27 April
First Day of Term 2
10 to 13 May
NAPLAN for Years 3 and 5
11 to 13 May
Year 4 Camp Group 1
12 May
JSPG Term 2 Meeting – Mrs Kimberley Tyson and Mrs Kate Brown will present
14 May
JSPG Family Picnic Day
16 to 18 May
Year 4 Camp Group 2
15 June
Kindness Convention
12 August
Kindergarten to Year 2 Concert 2.00pm and 5.00pm. Save the date!
From the JSPG
Elizabeth Toh, Aimee Birch, Stephanie Pickford and Kai Jones
Save the Date: JSPG Family Picnic and Movie Night – Saturday 14 May
We are very excited to be holding the biggest event in our JSPG calendar, the Family Picnic and Movie Night, on Saturday 14 May from 3.30pm to 8.00pm.
Last year, this was tremendously successful and now with the addition of Years K-2, we are looking forward to making this year bigger and better.
For those who have not yet attended, the family picnic is like a carnival and a fun day out for the whole family. There is a variety of food and entertainment, including a giant slide, kindy farm, putt-putt golf, old-fashioned games and karaoke. There are also sideshow attractions for the kids, including guessing competitions and a spinning prize wheel. The event concludes with a family dinner and movie as the sun sets.
This is a fabulous opportunity for the Junior School community to gather and create special memories. We will be seeking parent assistance for the ever-popular cake, bake and lolly stand shortly, as well as the other fun stalls being run by year groups.
Please talk to your class parent or year co-ordinator (or alternatively email us at if you are able to help out before or during the event.
Details on how to purchase tickets will be emailed out shortly by Community Engagement.
Upcoming Events organised by Year Co-ordinators and Class Parents
Kindergarten Park Play will be held during the holidays on Wednesday 13 April from 2.00pm at Bicentennial Park, West Pymble.
Save the date: Year 6 Parent Daughter Dance
Date: Saturday 28 May, 6.30pm to 9.00pm (Week 5, Term 2).
Theme: Springtime in Paris
Invitations to follow in Term 2 with venue details.
Communication with Parents
The parent contact directory is available on MyPymble and has been developed for parents and carers to opt-in to share their contact details with other parents and carers in their daughter(s) year group to help build community connections.
To check your details, log in to MyPymble, click on Parent Contact Directory (under My Shortcuts) and then your Roll Class. There are some parents/carers with names, phone numbers and email addresses missing. To update your details, please click on your name in the top right corner, and select My Profile.
If you have any questions or require further information, please email us the JSPG at:
From the JSPG, we hope you and your family have a very happy Easter period and safe holiday break.
From the Middle School
From our Head of Middle School
Well, we have made it! Reflecting back on all we have achieved, what a wonderful term it has been for our Middle School students. Congratulations to our Year 7 students in particular who have navigated the challenges of transition with stamina and enthusiasm. Thank you to the Middle School Leadership team – Mrs Harrison, Ms Ventura, Ms Lombard, Ms Carr and Mrs Budd – for your commitment to ensuring the girls feel well supported and engaged whilst at school, for your dedication to designing effective, targeted Directions experiences and for your willingness to always go the extra mile. Congratulations to Mrs Sibug who has stepped up to the position of Middle School Administration Manager – I am very grateful for her ongoing support and the support of Mrs Volonakis, whose warm and welcoming smile greets the girls each day.
This week the girls gave generously to the Costumes for Cancer appeal, embracing the opportunity to ‘Get Active’ and have some fun on Tuesday at the Walkathon. We have continued to bring girls together across lunchtimes with our Gloucester gatherings – this week the egg and spoon race went down a treat with well-deserved ice blocks for all participants at the end of the finals. We will continue with this initiative of facilitating fun and varied activities at lunchtimes on Gloucester Lawn on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please encourage your daughter to get involved.
Well done to all the Year 7 applicants who put themselves forward for leadership positions over the last few weeks. The team has enjoyed chatting with the girls at interviews and has been impressed with the level of responsibility demonstrated. Congratulations to the appointed Year 7 Leaders for 2022:
Middle School Leaders
Tyra Ifada
Saskia Nicholson
Kyraa Vig
Sophie Ngai
Intercultural Leader
Sienna Melton
Wellbeing Leader
Clare Ferreira
Community Service Leaders
Irisara O’Brien and Jacquelyn Zhu
Environment Leader
Amrita Marwah
Communication Leader
Serena Cummings
Chapel Leaders
Cindy Wang and Grace Murphy
House Leaders
Jaya Chand
Leander Mclaughlin
Alannah Tang
Anjali Shah
Eloise Stewart
Jolie Glas
Mie Naito
Sitian Chen
Please note that the Middle School Office will be closed for the holiday period and will re-open on Tuesday 26 April. A final email has been sent to the girls by their Head of Year, you can view this email here.
All the very best to our Middle School families for the Easter break. Thank you for working in partnership with us to ensure the girls have a great experience here at Pymble.
Year 7
‘Make hay while the sun shines’ is exactly what we did on Tuesday. The Costumes for Cancer Walkathon was a wonderful success with Year 7 looking their brightest dressed in their red outfits and raising money for a very important cause. We would like to thank our Compass captains for their leadership this term especially since this was uncharted territory for them, they were all keen to step up to the role. Their Compass teachers have congratulated the support and connections facilitated by their captains. We encourage Year 7 to get involved in House leadership and being a Compass captain is a special role indeed.
We would like to remind the girls that they will return in Term 2 wearing their full winter uniform, including their blazer, stockings and winter hat. Students are not to wear their jumpers as an outer garment as they travel to and from school. If they want to wear their jumper when travelling, this needs to be under their blazer.
In Directions we have been thinking about and discussing the dynamics of friendships and how to navigate changes. We encourage a culture of an open circle where girls can move in and out of groups without judgement. Year 7 has been a new start for all, even those students who have come from the Junior School, and as such there continues to be an ongoing period of change with friendships and social connections. Involvement in Co-curricular activities, Gloucester Gatherings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Friday Karaoke and other Middle School fun will help girls to feel a sense of belonging and connection. Remaining kind and open to what might come up is important.
As we reflect on a very busy term full of new adventures, lessons, routines and people, we wish our girls a very happy, restful holiday and celebrate the beginning of their journey in Middle School. Well done and best wishes!
Year 8
What a big term it’s been! As we celebrate the end of a long term, we wish all our students and families a safe and restful Easter break. Well done to our Year 8 students who tried their best in class, took part in sporting and Co-curricular endeavours this term, and showed kindness and empathy towards one another.
Term 2 will be an exciting and adventurous term for Year 8 with their upcoming Outdoor Education program in Week 6. There will also be an array of events including the Athletics Carnival, the da Vinci Decathlon, guest speaker presentations and the Sharing Stories Festival; a special week led by our Conde Library team which celebrates intercultural diversity.
Speaking of intercultural celebrations, we would like to thank our four student representatives, Rosa Kim (Year 8 Intercultural Captain), Lillian Li, Jahle Tez and Helena Tang who took part in a Directions workshop with Ms Carr and Ms Lombard to develop two lesson plans to be delivered in Directions next term. We commend these students on their thoughtful contributions which have led to the development of two meaningful and engaging lessons to promote intercultural understanding and celebration.
This week in Directions, our classes have been discussing the importance of sleep quality and sleep quantity. Students have reflected on strategies to improve their wind-down routine, including ensuring that technology remains outside the bedroom, aiming to be in bed by 9.00pm and including ‘switching off’ activities such as reading before bed to help give the mind something to gently focus on whilst winding down. Whilst the Easter holidays will be an opportunity for students to catch up on some much-needed sleep, it’s important that they also maintain healthy sleep routines, aiming to have between eight and ten hours of sleep a night.
We look forward to seeing Year 8 back next term in their winter uniform on Tuesday 26 April. In the meantime, we wish you and your families a wonderful Easter break.
Mrs Jenny O’Donnell
Head of Middle School
From the Upper School
From our Head of Upper School
It was so lovely to return to work yesterday from parental leave and see so many smiling faces amongst the Upper School. Whilst everyone is understandably tired at the end of the term and post our challenging Outdoor Education experiences for Year 10, I was so pleased to see our girls enjoying the company of others (and having a laugh in the rain). I also really appreciated all the well wishes for my family. It has certainly been an exciting time bringing Hugo into the world, and I enjoyed showcasing a few photos to the girls in Chapel today.
Please can I ask for your support in encouraging our girls to spend some time over the break switching off. Whilst each day I am in awe of their drive, determination and purposefulness, I too am at times concerned about their busyness. It is so important that they have an opportunity to relax, to recharge, and to enjoy life away from the pace of Pymble as teenagers. We look forward to more excitement in Term 2, and hope they and you have a wonderful Easter break.
Mr Tom Riley
Head of Upper School
From our Deputy Head of Upper School
As the term ends, I would like to take the opportunity to commend our Upper School students for their commitment to their studies and the positive way they conducted themselves throughout the term. We are immensely proud of our Years 9 and 10 students.
Last week was a challenging but fun week for students and staff who participated in the Year 10 Outdoor Education programs. On behalf of the Upper School, we thank the following staff for giving up their time to give our students the invaluable experience: Anthea Wawryka, Kristie Spence, Barbara Labram, Riina Hamalainen, Peter Veliotis, Sree Raniga, Debra Owens, David McKinlay, Katherine Kitto, Mami Izuishi, Peter Fathers, Alana Bowler, Sam Groom, Dylan Beaumont, Karen Michie and the entire Outdoor Education team.
Please enjoy the following student reflections:
Murramarang Outdoor Education Program
“Last week, my peers and I ventured out and took on the scenic south coast. After a very sleepy and snacky five-and-a-half-hour bus ride, the group of six girls which I was lucky to be able to share this experience with, got straight into our activities. We dropped our bags and dived straight into a surf session with our camp instructor, Phoebe. I enjoyed all the awesome activities on this camp with my closest friends but snorkelling on Wednesday had to be the highlight of my five days. To reach the snorkelling checkpoint, we faced the most challenging part of the camp, the 12-kilometre hike from Pretty Beach to the Depot Beach campsite. Volunteering to play the role of navigator, I remained up the front of the group for most of the hike. Through rain, tears, sweat, mud, injuries and, worst of all, leeches, I think it’s safe to say every girl finished it finding something new about themselves and the sense of teamwork amongst the group flourished. The trek was well worth the reward when waking up on Wednesday morning to a day of fishing, snorkelling and hiking. Whilst those all activities were incredible, snorkelling takes the win. Wading all the way out to the Depot Beach headland, I managed to encounter the most incredible Blue Groper fish and was fortunate enough to share that experience with our snorkelling instructor and friend Kyah. After three nights in the tents, we were lucky to sleep in a beachfront villa, falling asleep to the sounds of a big swell and waking up to the sounds of the Indigenous elder Uncle Les clapping his sticks in recognition of the sunrise ceremony held on Friday morning. On behalf of the five other girls I shared this experience with, the memories made and shared on the camp will be remembered and cherished for a long time to come and we hope the younger year groups love this camp as much as we did.” – Sophie L
“The Murramarang Year 10 Camp was an exciting and thrilling adventure which was an amazing experience for me and for those who attended. The camp included a variety of different fun activities that brought us closer together as a year group. My group consisted of six girls and we merged with another group forging new friendships. My favourite activities included snorkelling and surfing where I had the chance to push myself to try things I hadn’t done before. A challenge that I faced during the camp was the hike. The 12-kilometre hike was something that made me step out of my comfort zone. The hike was hard but I persevered through the activity and was so proud of myself once I completed the journey.
Learning about Australian Aboriginal culture with Uncle Les was also most interesting. On the second last day of camp, my group had a two-hour talk with Uncle Les. He spoke about the Aboriginal language, animals, environment, and the native land. That night Year 10 students participated in a ‘smoking ceremony’. We all sat with Uncle Les and watched him make fire by rubbing two sticks together. Going into the ceremony everyone placed a red ribbon around their head to symbolise ‘through the mother’. This was said during the ceremony to represent ‘Mother Earth’. At sunrise the next morning, we repeated this ceremony.
Camp taught me that I have an inner strength and perseverance I didn’t know I had. Participating and connecting with different groups built new friendships. The Murramarang Year 10 Camp is one of the highlights of Term 1 for me and my group. It was an amazing experience to be outdoors, learn new skills, and make new friends.” – Mila S
Namadji Outdoor Education Program
“The Namadji expedition undertaken by the Year 10 girls this week was an eye-opening opportunity. It allowed us to connect with one another and form meaningful bonds that will last a lifetime. Personally, I not only furthered my friendships with those I knew but also built many new ones. While the hike presented many challenges, teamwork and a positive mindset were the two factors that pushed me to strive for my highest. The camp gave me the chance to experience independence, build confidence, and stimulate a sense of adventure in the Australian bush. I was able to escape the hustle of the city to focus on mindfulness and strengthen my resilience which I can apply to several aspects of my life.” – Jiya T
As the term draws to a close, we would like to thank you for the support you have shown the Upper School throughout the term. Life in the Upper School is always busy, and this term has been no exception with a packed academic curriculum, the Outdoor Education programs, Mamma Mia!, Robotics, Burn Bright Spark program, Rowing, Athletics, Swimming, Minimum Standards Testing and careers. We wish you and your daughters a relaxing, well-earned rest and a happy Easter with your families. We look forward to welcoming them back on campus for Term 2.
Mrs Michelle Hunt
Deputy Head of Upper School
From our Heads of Year 9
Congratulations students and carers on a fantastic term. We are so proud of the way Year 9 students have positively navigated the changes and challenges of commencing in the Upper School. They have approached this term with maturity and responsibility.
A huge thank you to those students who volunteered to assist at the Careers Expo. The Year 9 students enthusiastically greeted our guests and are to be commended on actively demonstrating our Upper School behaviours of positivity and inclusivity.
It was lovely to see everyone supporting the Walkathon for cancer research decked out in their beautiful yellow costumes. Thanks for contributing to this worthy cause and for having fun whilst participating.
Year 9 Minions at the Walkathon
Upper School Lunch Easter Trivia
We want to wish all of the Year 9 Pymble community a lovely Easter with family and friends.
Mrs Karina Richter
Head of Year 9
Mr Adam Levin
Head of Year 9
From our Heads of Year 10
What an exciting week Year 10 girls have had. A third of the year group tackled the epic nine-day Namadji trek, half the year group visited the scenic Murramarrang National Park and the rest of students completed an online program. The students were challenged to push themselves out of their comfort zone. Whether it be physically pushing themselves to complete hikes and other challenging activities or emotionally challenging themselves to deal with sleeping in tents, being away from home, being wet and uncomfortable. It is fair to say that the weather was challenging for all of us! However, we witnessed some truly gutsy efforts and it was a privilege to be with the girls at Murramarrang and share an amazing experience with them.
Due to conflicting school commitments, a handful of our students could not take part in the Outdoor Education programs, however they had a very busy and worthwhile week topped off with some downtime at the end of the week. They spent two days at the Exodus Foundation working in the Loaves and Fishes restaurant, a delightful day in the Kindergarten to Year 2 classrooms helping with Easter bonnets and putting together a dragon followed by a couple of days of different activities including meditation with Rev Lorenzo, fitness with Jack and baking with Mrs Wiedemann.
Over the upcoming break, should you require assistance or need to speak to someone urgently, please speak with a parent/carer, or contact any of the following services:
The NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 511
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Lifeline: 13 11 14
eHeadspace: 1800 650 890
In the event of an emergency, call 000.
National Surf Lifesaving Championships
Bella Cox (Year 10) and Jaya Lilienthal (Year 9) recently competed at the Australian (Aussie) Youth Championships on the Gold Coast. Bella competing for Newport SLS Club and Jaya North Curl Curl SLS Club.
Bella, (Under 15 Years) and Jaya (Under 14 Years) both made it through to semi-finals and Finals in the individual events of board, swim and ironperson. Jaya also competed in team relay events competing up an age group in the Under 15 Years.
Bella went on to compete in the lifesaving events where she was gold medalist in the Under 15 Years Champion Lifesaver, a multi-discipline event of patient resuscitation, theory exam, water events and a beach sprint.
Congratulations Bella and Jaya for your impressive achievements.
Ms Dylan Beaumont
Head of Year 10
Mrs Karen Michie
Head of Year 10
Key Dates
Thursday 7 April
Last Day of Term 1
Wednesday 27 April
First Day of Term 2
Thursday 28 April
Learning Discussion for Year 9
Tuesday 3 May
Catch-up Learning Discussions (Years 7 to 11)
From the Senior School
From our Head of Senior School
Food for Thought
The Food for Thought luncheon last week provided a wonderful opportunity for the Year 12 students to connect with last year’s graduates to seek advice and support. Our keynote speaker, Ms Tamsin Janu (2007), also provided a relevant and engaging reflection on the twists and turns life after school can take, and the importance of being agile and flexible in your thinking and in your career path. She urged the current Year 12 students to follow their interests and be available to opportunities as they present themselves. Having graduated with a Law degree and now writing a series of award-winning books for children, her message was authentic and engaging.
Here is some of the feedback from the Year 12 girls themselves:
“The luncheon was really great and very useful, as after hearing of the achievements of the Year 13 girls and the fabulous opportunities they are undertaking, it inspired me to dedicate myself to my studies.”
“The Food for Thought luncheon helped me to gain a new perspective on how to get through Year 12 and helped me to appreciate that there is a life beyond the HSC.”
Careers Expo
Many thanks to our Careers and Tertiary teachers, Mr Andrew Kozyra and Mrs Katrina O’Kelly, for organising the Careers Expo this year. It was exciting to see so many Senior School students engaging with the many presenters and considering their post-school options.
End of Term Break
On behalf of the Senior School team, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Senior School girls and their families a safe and restful end of term break. Please take some time to recharge the batteries. The Heads of Years 11 and 12 have sent all Senior School students helpful advice from our counsellors as to where to seek help and support for themselves or their friends if needed during the holiday break. These resources have been included for you here and here.
Mrs Nikki Wyse
Head of Senior School
From the Heads of Year 11
After a long and busy Term 1, Year 11 has finally made it!
The transition from Year 10 is certainly a significant one. Adapting to a new building, uniform and change of pace is certainly a challenge. However, Year 11 girls have risen to the occasion.
It was a relief to get the first round of assessments out of the way, as the routine should add some confidence for future terms. This term’s Directions program saw the year group navigating a range of topics and developing an array of practical skills. From time and stress management to positive self-talk and the Paul Dillon lecture, we hope that the aforementioned skills can be implemented in the short as well as long term.
On Thursday 31 March, Year 11 participated in the RYDA Road Safety program at Homebush. The day helped educate the girls about their rights and responsibilities as drivers. Students were involved in a series of lectures, each with a specific focus.
Rachel noted, “The RYDA program helped with awareness on road safety. I felt that the advice given was beneficial for new drivers. The three second rule of staying behind a car really helps with your ability to stop in time.”
Pip added, “The lack of experience in new drivers can result in devastating injuries if not educated properly on road rules and safe driving procedures.”
Boarder from Narrabri Georgia was shocked to hear about the dangers of country roads. She reflected, “When driving on country roads, you are more likely to fall asleep, and the quality of those roads is not as good.”
We hope you have a wonderful, well-earned break and look forward to seeing you for Term 2!
Mrs Cara Foley
Head of Year 11
Mr Michael Stern
Head of Year 11
From the Heads of Year 12
We want to congratulate the Year 12 girls on their hard work and dedication in what was a very challenging and busy term. The girls have so many things to celebrate and be proud of and we hope that this holiday break gives them an opportunity to reflect, relax and take some much-needed time out.
As the final assessment tasks conclude and the end of term fatigue sets in, we have loved seeing acts of resilience, strength and care across the Kate Mason Building. There have been many ups and downs across the term and it is always a joy to watch the girls support one another in times of need. This is something that we will continue to encourage and foster across the year with the girls.
The Food for Thought luncheon on Friday was a great opportunity for Year 12 to hear from our Alumni and speak to some recent College graduates about their life and path after their HSC. The Kate Mason atrium was abuzz with conversation and we hope this was a nice chance for the girls to take some time out of their schedules and to think about their post-College journey.
While the holidays is a good time for the girls to unwind, we hope Year 12 students maintain a level of routine over the break and not too far out of their positive study habits. With that being said, balancing rest and study is important. We look forward to seeing Year 12 back after the break for a positive start to term 2.
Mr Andrew Heggie
Head of Year 12
Ms Theresa Mimmo
Head of Year 12
From the Boarding School
From our Head of Boarding
Thank you to our beautiful girls, wonderful families and amazing staff for a great term. It’s been a tough one for a number of reasons and all members of our Boarding family have been patient, kind and compliant with what sometimes felt like ridiculous precautions. We have welcomed 38 new Boarders with open arms, two new Heads of Year and Chartwells as our Catering team. So, it has also been a time of change, and I have been impressed with the manner in which our community has embraced the challenges that go hand in hand with this.
It has also been a term of great celebration – we have been reunited! Thanks to Mrs White, the ‘Love It’ program has been filled with fun and adventure – ice skating, movies, football, bowling and lots of beach trips. Thank you to our Boarders, for being so keen to participate and to our intrepid staff who are unfailing in their good humour and enthusiasm in leading the expeditions.
Mrs White has also taken our ‘Learn It’ program to the next level, and I thank our Boarders for embracing the opportunities and taking the pursuit of academic excellence so seriously. My special thanks go to Mrs Collins and Mrs Gray for sharing their expertise so generously and for tirelessly supporting our girls to ‘Strive for the Highest’.
We celebrated these many accomplishments in our End of Term Chapel, Easter Egg Hunt and Celebration Dinner. It was a lovely occasion, led by our Spirit House Captains and wonderful Revs. A real highlight was the outstanding performances by our Year 11 Boarders – Lucy Robertson, Abigail Ballhausen, Isabellle Francis, Lauren Purkis and Indi Tishler and a cello solo by Isabelle Burke of Year 7. Thank you to these girls for making it such a special occasion.
It is with sadness that we farewell Miss Nicki McWhirter, Head of Years 7 and 8 Boarding. Nikki has been a terrific addition to our Boarding team and we are sorry that her stay was so brief. I thank Nikki for her dedication, good humour and professionalism throughout the term. I have no doubt that Nikki will make a significant contribution to the world of education and wish her well on her journey.
I am also sad to say goodbye to our wonderful Matilda Milford, Assistant Head of Year 10. Matilda has been in Boarding in one capacity or another for nine years. Some of you may know that Matilda was Deputy Head Boarder in 2017 and she has been working with us in Boarding for nearly four years. She is loved for her efficiency, compassion and gentle sense of humour. Thank you, Matilda for your generosity of spirit, you are a truly wonderful human being and will be greatly missed.
It’s not too late to sign up to ‘Eat like a Boarder’
As you are aware, we welcomed our new Catering team, Chartwells, mid last year. To date, there hasn’t been the opportunity for our families to experience the meals that your girls enjoy and I am hoping this is about to change!
Please accept the invitation to join us for a meal on Tuesday 26 April at 6.00pm, when you return your girls from the Easter term break. This will be the ‘real’ experience, with you being able to enjoy the regular dinner service, just as the girls do each evening. If you would like to join us please RSVP to by no later than Friday 15 April.
The Brooksie
The Margaret Brooke Award, also known as ‘The Brooksie’ is awarded to a Boarder who exemplifies the spirit of a tenacious, courageous, compassionate and giving woman. Our Term 1 recipient is the most deserving, Alice Beveridge. A fourth-generation Pymble girl, Alice joined us in Year 7 from Young in the Southwest Slopes of New South Wales and she has consistently demonstrated the Boarder spirit throughout this time. Alice can be relied on to give everything a go, she is kind, industrious and pragmatic. She is a regular at Boarders Get Baking, where she demonstrates great skills and enjoys going ‘off script’ to produce delicious food that she generously shares. An accomplished sportswoman, Alice is a valued teammate, and her competitive spirit ensures she gives her all to every challenge. She is a ‘no-nonsense’ sort of girl, who is focused during the evening study program and works hard to maintain an excellent academic standard. Alice is a much-valued member of the Boarders’ Representative Council, bringing forward innovative and thoughtful ideas and providing considered feedback from her peers. On top of all this, Alice has a fabulous sense of humour and is great fun to be around. Congratulations Alice!
Mrs Carolyn Burgess
Director of Boarding
A View From My Window
Hi, my name is Emma Toynton I’m in Year 11 and, during term time, I live in Goodlet House here at Pymble. My home is a farm 50 kilometres out of a town called Coonabarabran in Central West New South Wales. My farm is 3,000 acres, I live on it with my dad (Tom), mum (Kylie), my older sister Millie, younger sister Phoebe and across the creek my Nan (Jewel) and Pop (David).
On our farm we have around 930 Angus beef cattle, one labrador puppy, and a few crazy cats. I’m the fourth generation to live on this farm, and in my lifetime, I’ve seen it all fires, flooding, hectic storms, and the worst of all, four years of drought. From my window I can see the garden in our backyard and the sun setting on the paddock behind our house. When I’m home I like riding my motorbike and hanging out with my Pop, helping him out as much as I can.
Congratulations to all Dance participants on their efforts in Term 1 Dance. It was remarkable to see all the dancers back in action and positively negotiating the P2 Model in Eisteddfod Dance and Ballet.
We are very excited to re-open Dance registrations for all Onstage Stream Classes for Terms 2 to 4. Due to COVID-19 we understand that parents and students may not have been ready to commit to the full year of Dance, but we are very positive about our 2022 Dance Showcase, and Class routines will be started in Term 2!
Please click here to see our Streams booklet to see all the amazing classes on offer and register via CCSA to join the Dance program for 2022.
Eisteddfod Dance
All dancers are to be reminded of the Eisteddfod Intensive Weekend that is on Week 1 Term 2. The schedule has now been published and students and parents must ensure they have read the information.
Miss Katrina Cluff
Head of Dance
Artistic Gymnastics
Border Challenge Trial
A huge congratulations to Piya Parimu Kapur (Year 10) who competed in the 2022 Border Challenge Trial on Friday 1 April. Piya placed second on the Uneven Bars, fourth on Beam and seventh on Vault.
State Championships National Levels 8 to 10 – Saturday 2 April to Sunday 3 April
Stella Robertson placed third overall and qualified for the National team in NL10. She also placed second on Vault, third on Uneven Bars, fifth on Beam and third on Floor. Stella will head to the Gold Coast in May to represent NSW in the National Gymnastics Championships
Ilaria Crowley also competed in NL8. She was able to produce a good standard of routine including a personal best on bars however did not place in the top six to secure a position in the National team. It was still an extremely good result for Ilaria. Well done!
Ms Alison Gestier
Head Coach – Artistic Gymnastics
Aussies – Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships 2022
Bella Cox (Year 10) competed for Newport Surf Lifesaving Club at the Aussies Surf Lifesaving Championships on the Gold Coast. Bella was the Under 15 Years Champion Lifesaver gold medallist. The Champion Lifesaver is assessed across patient resuscitation, a theory exam, three water disciplines and a beach sprint. Well done, Bella.
Mrs Katie Edwards
Head of Sport 7 to 12
Congratulations to the 2022 Pymble IGSA Swimming team for their brave and exciting win.
Pymble swimmers, led by Captain Angelica Tan (Year 12), secured the following team results to obtain their fifth win in a row.
Champion relays from Intermediate and Senior girls both Freestyle and Medley.
Champion School – Loraine Crapp Shield (combined multiclass and able bodied)
Champion School – Mary Webster Cup (able body only)
This was achieved via
12 first places
11 second places
9 third places
9 top tens
In addition to these results, the following swimmers were awarded special trophies from the Pymble coaching and management team:
Contribution to swimmer – Angelica Tan (Year 12), Captain
Most Improved – Piper Gregory-Reid (Year 10)
Sebeski Team Spirit – Nicola Johnston (Year 12) and Jessica Needham (Year 12)
Thank you to the IGSA Swimming coaching team (Brandon Lawrence, Rafael Rodrigues, Steven Qu, Michelle Thomas), all the parents/carers, Miss O’Keeffe our legendary manager, Mr Renshaw, our Aquatics Manager, for his unconditional support and positivity, the sports staff – Mrs Edwards and Mr Meagher who trust us to get the job done and of course to our amazing College leaders Mrs Shaw and Dr Hadwen who always stand in our corner cheering on the swimmers.
Ms Leanne Speechley
Head Coach – Swimming
2022 NSW PSSA Primary Championships
On Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 April, eight Pymble swimmers competed at the NSW PSSA Primary Championships held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.
Well done Amalia Bond (Year 6), Megan Chia (Year 6), Emma Deere (Year 3), Emma Ng (Year 6), Chloé Shires (Year 5), Oriana Fenton (Year 5), Jessica Persson (Year 5) and Lily Zhang (Year 4).
Emma Ng (Year 6) 12th 11 Years 50m Freestyle
4th Girls 11 Years 50 Backstroke
Megan Chia (Year 6) 5th Girls 12 to 13 Years 50 Butterfly
Congratulations to the Pymble Junior and Senior 4x50m Freestyle Relay teams who finished in second place
Left to right: Oriana Fenton (Year 5), Emma Deere (Year 3), Lily Zhang (Year 4), Chloé Shires (Year 5)
Left to right: Megan Chia (Year 6), Emma Ng (Year 6), Jessica Persson (Year 6), Amalia Bond (Year 6)
Mr Steven Qu
Coach – Swimming
Co-curricular Administration
Co-curricular Administration
Term 1 Co-curricular Performance Awards
Congratulations to students who have received a Performance Award for Term 1 2022. Please click here to view the full list of award winners.
End of Term 1 Registration Period
The End of Term 1 Registration period is now open via the online registration system. This period allows families to register their daughters for Term 2 and Winter Semester programs as well as Term 3 Saturday sports. There are also opportunities for an intake for some yearly programs including Dance, Drama and Artistic Gymnastics. Please access the online registration, and all program information, via the Co-curricular pages on MyPymble by clicking here. A parent/carer login is required to be able to register and please remember that registrations cannot be processed via email or phone. All registrations are subject to the updated 2022 Conditions of Co-curricular Registration which can be found by clicking here.
Registrations for Term 2, Winter Semester and program intakes will close at 12.00pm on Wednesday 13 April.
Registrations for Term 3 Saturday sports will close at 12.00pm on Friday 13 May. The options for Term 3 Saturday sports are as follows:
Hockey – IGSA (Years 7 to 12)
Netball – IGSA (Years 7 to 12)
Touch Football – IPSHA (Years 3 to 6)
AFL – IPSHA (Years 3 to 6)
Term 2 Saturday Sport Registrations
Registrations for Term 2 Saturday sports closed on Friday 18 February at 12.00pm. To request registration into an available Saturday sport for Term 2, you will need to complete a registration request by clicking here. Requests will be sent to the Co-ordinator for approval, and you will receive an email of the outcome.
Co-curricular Registration Requests
The cut-off date for Term 1, Semester 1 and yearly Co-curricular Registration Requests was Monday 8.00am of Week 4, Term 1 (Monday 14 February). This is a reminder that all registration requests received are subject to the updated 2022 Conditions of Co-curricular Registration which can be found by clicking here.
Mrs Monique Zahra
Head of Co-curricular Administration
From the Director of Sport
Exciting news for Pymble!
Pymble Ladies’ College Aquatic Centre will be the host venue for the 2022 Australian Water Polo League (AWL) Finals Series this weekend from Friday 8 April to Sunday 10 April.
The AWL provides important competition for national squad members, past Olympians, and the next generation of Australian water polo talent.
It is a national event featuring teams across Australia and international players, creating a high-quality competition.
This is an excellent opportunity for our students, staff and families to watch and experience the top water polo athletes in the country battle it out, including one of our Pymble coaches, Sienna Hearn, playing with the UTS Balmain Tigers. To purchase tickets for the event, please click here.
Mr Greg Meagher
Director of Sport
From the Coaching Development Director
Led by our wonderful Sports Captains, 18 Pymble students participated in Run2Cure on Sunday 2 April at the Domain. Run2Cure is a fun run that aims to bring awareness to and raise funds for neuroblastoma, which is a debilitating children’s cancer.
Our students participated in the 3km and 5km events, with Pymble taking out the School’s Award for the largest school team. The College was awarded a $150 gift voucher from Scholastic and a $100 gift voucher from Berkelouw, which will be given to the Conde Library to purchase books. Stella Sharp had a fabulous performance in the 5km run, finishing second in a fast time of 29 minutes 39 seconds! Congratulations to all students who got involved and thank you to the parents and carers who supported them. We raised more than $750 for Neuroblastoma, contributing to the total funds raised for the event of more than $300,000.
Thank you to Kirsten Delaney for photographing the event.
Mr Simon Pennington
Coaching Development Director
The shortcode only works for newsletter articles
Our Pymble athletes continued to deliver world class results last week at the Australian Track and Field Championships.
We finished with an astonishing eight gold medals, four silver medals and six bronze medals.
Below are the continued results from day three of the championships:
Our Pymble athletes continued to deliver world class results last week at the Australian Track and Field Championships.
We finished with an astonishing eight gold medals, four silver medals and six bronze medals.
Below are the continued results from day three of the championships:
Grace Peters (Year 9) 2nd Under 15 Years Discus – performing an outstanding Personal Best
Sarah Lovell (Year 9) 20th Under 16 Years 90m hurdles, 12th Under 16 Years Javelin
Grace Townsend (Year 9) 8th Under 15 Years 90m hurdles, 5th Under 15 Years 200m Hurdles
Mia Sams (Year 9) 4th Under 16 Years 2,000m Steeplechase
Grace Beck (Year 8) 3rd Under 15 Years 2,000m Steeplechase, 5th Under 17 Years 5,000m Walk
Samara Bond (Year 9) 5th Under 16 Years 200m
Amalia Bond (Year 6) 17th Under 14 Years 200m – Amalia is only in Year 6!
Matilda Harrison (Year 8) 1st Under 14 Years 200m
Olivia Inkster (Year 12) 1st Under 18 Years 100m, 3rd Under 20 Years 200m
Sienna Bond (Year 12) 4th Under 20 Years Long Jump, 1st Under 18 Years Triple Jump,1st Under 18 Years Long Jump, 3rd Under 18 Years 100m Hurdles
Gabriella Taylor (Year 11) 2nd Under 18 Years 100m, 2nd Under 18 Years 200m
Sybella Warton (Year 9) 12th Open 100m Ambulant, 1st Under 17 Years Para 100m, 3rd Under 17 Years Para 200m
Georgia Phillips (Year 12) 7th Under 17 Years 2,000m Steeplechase, 25th Under 17 Years 3,000m
Yi Ying Lim (Year 11) 6th Under 17 Years Para 1,500m
Rhedyn Wong (Year 11) 7th Under 18 Years Discus
Brianna Worsfold (Year 12) 9th Under 18 Years Shot Put, 10th Under 18 Years Discus
Abigail Ballhausen (Year 11) 11th Under 17 Years 1,500m, 8th 3,000m
Caitlyn Tan (Year 11) 14th Under 18 Years 3,000m
All competitors are to be commended for their wonderful results. You have all done us very proud.
A huge thank you to all our coaches who supported our Pymble athletes in the lead up to and during the championships.
A special mention to Mrs Edwards and Mrs Walsham for yet again producing such impressive talent.
All competitors are to be commended for their wonderful results. You have all done us very proud.
A huge thank you to all our coaches who supported our Pymble athletes in the lead up to and during the championships.
A special mention to Mrs Edwards and Mrs Walsham for yet again producing such impressive talent.
Miss Laura Verlinden
Co-ordinator – Athletics
The Badminton finals were held on Saturday 2 April, with only two venues hosting the Grand Finals.
Our Pymble players were very impressive. They displayed fantastic skills and excellent sportsmanship, whilst enjoying themselves and soaking up the experience.
Overall, it was a tremendous season of Badminton for our Pymble players. We had 14 teams play in the finals, nine of whom were winners.
Well done to Pymble 2, Pymble 3, Pymble 7, Pymble 10, Pymble 15, Pymble 16 for their bronze medals.
Fantastic performances by Pymble 1, Pymble 6 and Pymble 9, who took home the silver.
Congratulations to Pymble 11 and Pymble 17 who were Grand Final winners.
We are very proud of the players’ achievements this season.
A huge thank you to our terrific coaches and a big thank you to all the wonderful parent/carers who have turned up week after week to support our players.
We look forward to seeing the players return to Badminton in 2023.
Miss Laura Verlinden
Co-ordinator – Badminton
PSSA Diving
What a spectacular culmination to the school term for our youngest diving superstars.
On Monday 4 April the PSSA Championships and School Sport Australia Trials were held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC).
Another day of great diving when the top three divers from all school associations compete in an exciting and uplifting day of competition.
Congratulations to the following girls who qualified for this event by placing at IPSHA and CIS to compete at PSSA and for these fantastic results.
8 Year Girls Springboard
2nd Amelie Berg (Year 3)
9 Year Girls Springboard
1st Zara Ware (Year 3)
10 Year Girls Springboard
2nd Amélie Rahme (Year 4)
Congratulations to Amelie who also qualified for the NSW team for School Sport Australia Nationals in Brisbane in November
11 Year Girls Springboard
5th Anne Liu (Year 6)
Well done, we are all looking forward to what the future will bring to all our divers.
Australian Age National Championships
During the Easter holidays a team of competitive divers will be continuing to train hard in preparation for the Australian Age Nationals in Adelaide in the second week of the break.
Congratulations to the following divers who have worked consistently hard for many months to qualify for these championships.
We wish the team safe travels, great experiences, and great personal results on and off the boards.
Rylee McKinstry (Year 12) – Diving Captain
Nikola Puhl (Year 11)
Ilaria Crowley (Year 9)
Mea Shires (Year 8)
Leila Rich (Year 7)
Addison Woods (Year 7)
Anne Liu (Year 6)
Coaching Staff – Chris Lang and Kimberley Thoo
Secondary CIS Diving Team
Congratulations to the following divers who qualified at IGSA last week for the CIS team trials on Tuesday 3 May. The standard of diving for IGSA is very high and to qualify for this team is super competitive. Well done divers.
Rylee McKinstry (Year 12)
Zara Tullipan (Year 12)
Nikola Puhl (Year 11)
Ilaria Crowley (Year 9)
Mea Shires (Year 8)
Abby Smith (Year 8)
Angela Xenofontos (Year 8)
Leila Rich (Year 7)
Addison Woods (Year 7)
To all divers, well done on another fantastic season of diving. We look forward to the new season commencing in Term 2 and encourage all students interested in the sport to dive right in and make a splash!
IGSA Diving
On Tuesday 29 March we had the pleasure of celebrating the IGSA Diving and Swimming Championships in a beautiful presentation evening at Avondale Golf Club. It was a great evening celebrating the successes and sportsmanship of our divers and swimmers.
Congratulations to our IGSA Diving team for 2022, Team Event Champions for the 11th year, second place for the first time in 11 years and champions in and out of the pool every day! Congratulations for such outstanding success and always displaying courage!
We would like to acknowledge a few very special awards from the evening.
Pymble Diving Trophies 2022
Junior Diving Champion – 12 to 13 Years
Abby Smith (Year 8) 1st
Intermediate Diving Champion – 14 to 15 Years
Ilaria Crowley (Year 9) 1st
Senior Diving Champion – 16 to 17+ Years
Zara Tullipan (Year 12) 1st
Platform Champion
Ilaria Crowley (Year 9) 1st Open Platform
Most Improved Diver
Congratulations to Addison Woods (Year 7). Consistent dedication to improvement, displaying courage and effort. This award is to recognise a diver who has dedicated themselves to working hard at their craft, displaying courage, resilience and effort.
Diver of Excellence
Congratulations to Mea Shires (Year 8). A diver of excellence who has gone above and beyond and achieved outstanding results for the team over a period of time. This diver has displayed commitment to training and competition with an outstanding attitude. Exhibits excellence in skill, grace and courage and the drive to go further.
Team Spirit/Leadership/Coaches Award
Congratulations to Rylee McKinstry (Year 12). This award is for a leader who hones the direction of the team and helps everyone get better, provides motivation in and out of the pool and always gives 100 per cent. She is supportive at all levels of the program and respectful to coaches, staff and teammates. This diver is a role model to her peers and prepared to give back to the program.
Mrs Chris Lang
Head Coach – Diving
Junior School Sport
Junior School Team of the Week – Flippa Ball Red
Flippa Ball Red team is Team of the Week for their hard work and persistence until the final whistle. The team scored 15 goals as a result of their fantastic offensive work and all the players making attempts at goals. They have worked tirelessly all season, and each player has improved through their consistency at training. Ellie Cao (Year 5) and Emma Lloyd (Year 5) displayed some excellent swimming skills to help Carla Eibach (Year 5) and Bebe Brennan (Year 5) score incredible goals. Cienna Heald (Year 5), Sarah Kranes (Year 5), and Bella Xu’s (Year 5) dynamic work in goals resulted in only five goals scored against them! Congratulations to the team for putting 100 per cent effort in for the entire match!
Mr Matt Tyson
Head of Sport K-6
Performing Arts
From the Director of Co-Curricular Performing Arts
After 37 years of Service to Pymble Ladies’ College, I am finally retiring in July this year. 22 years of that time have been spent conducting the Pymble Chorale. All former members of Pymble Chorale from 1999 to 2021 are warmly invited to participate in One Last Sing with Mrs T before my retirement. We will be performing a very special work, Aurora, by Australian composer Luke Byrne, which was commissioned for the Centenary Celebrations of the College in 2016. There will be three rehearsals on Monday evenings in Term 2 and a soundcheck prior to the performance on Wednesday 22 June 2022. Please click here for more details and to complete an Expression of Interest Form if you would like to be involved. I do so hope that many of my wonderful ex-Chorale girls can join me for one last sing together! What special memories and experiences we have shared together over the years! It’s going to be great fun!
Second-hand pre-loved Instrument drive
Do you have any musical instruments in good condition, lying around at home that are no longer being used? Any brass, wind or string instruments, as well as keyboards, are wanted. We are starting a collection to be sent to the Northern Rivers Conservatorium in Lismore which was gutted in the recent and continuing floods. They have lost all their instruments and equipment and they are unable to deliver music tuition and their music programs to hundreds of students in the Northern Rivers region. Their loss has been devastating, so I do hope you can help in this small way if possible. Please contact if you have an instrument that may be of use, or deliver it to the Music Office.
Pymble Arts Competition (PAC) Week 2 Term 2, Have a Go!
PAC is a student-run initiative which showcases Pymble Performing Arts talent in a series of lunchtime concerts held in the Amphitheatre during Week 2 next term. All proceeds from the concert go to the Australian Children’s Music Foundation which supports music education and performing arts in disadvantaged schools. All students are encouraged to ‘have a go’ and get an act together, whether it be a drama skit, poetry reading, music performance, song and/or dance routine or whatever creative performance ideas they can come up with. Entry forms will be placed on the Portal for the students to sign up and all enquiries should be directed to the Performing Arts Prefects, Haley Spring or Annika Johnson Encourage your daughter to ‘have a go’ and be part of the Arts!
Mrs Sabina Turner
Director of Co-Curricular Performing Arts
The shortcode only works for newsletter articles
Congratulations Years 5 and 6 Theatresports Team Finals
Our Years 5 and 6 team competed at the finals of the Theatresports Schools Challenge at St Andrews Cathedral School – they placed second, which is such a fantastic achievement for our improvisers at the finals in this highly prestigious competition. We are so proud of our team, well done!
Years 5 and 6 Theatresports Team (Finals)
Yuan Hui, Annabella Bayfield, Ella Gungor, Bella Xu, Yuna Shin
Years 10 and 11 Co-curricular Drama Production, Pride and Prejudice
A reminder to students involved in this production that all lines are required to be memorised. Parents/carers and students involved in the production have been emailed with the schedule for holiday rehearsals. Please wear Drama blacks, sneakers and also bring your script and a pen. Any queries regarding Pride andPrejudice, please contact the director Ms Sweetman at
Years 7 to 9 Co-curricular Drama Production, Peter Pan
Parents/carers and students of this production have been emailed the rehearsal schedule for the upcoming term and students have also been shared the script. Any queries regarding Peter Pan, please contact the director Ms Boyd at
Drama Parent Support Group
Get involved and enjoy the rewarding feeling of being a Drama parent volunteer.
With increasing opportunities in 2022 for our students to participate in Drama events, competitions, and performances, (especially after two years of cancelled or limited events), you can help them make up for lost opportunities by volunteering as little or as much of your time and/or skills behind the scenes and backstage.
If you can only volunteer a small amount of your time, there are many opportunities to help throughout the year such as volunteering an hour or two on performance nights helping backstage with hair and make-up or serving in the refreshment stall pre-show. Or if you’re able to offer more time and skill, we would love some much-needed assistance with costuming – help with alterations (which require minimal sewing skill) through to full costume making.
If you don’t have the time to give but would still love to help, every little bit of help is appreciated and there’s little more rewarding than helping our students shine and achieve their best.
Click here if you’d like to register your interest in becoming a Drama parent volunteer or contact our 2022 Performing Arts Support Group Drama Co-ordinator, Helen Cobain (, and let her know that she can contact you when help is needed.
Drama Absences and Enrolments
If your daughter is going to be absent for a Co-curricular Drama class, please email CCSA at prior so that the Drama teacher knows for planning. For Drama Festival teams in Years 5 to 11, please ask your daughter to email also to catch up on any work that has been covered as we are developing the Drama Festival/Competition performances. Any queries about joining Co-curricular Drama at any stage, please contact
I am so excited for Term 2 in Co-curricular Drama, we have many Festival/Competitions for our Drama Festival teams, Improvisation/Theatresports and our Filmmakers are finishing their Semester 1 films for entry into external competitions, as well as our Years 10 and 11 Co-curricular Drama production of Pride and Prejudice – I look forward to seeing all theatre/filmmakers back at the start of Term 2!
Ms Tamara Sweetman
Head of Drama
Language Arts
To all students and parents in the Language Arts family, have a great break. It has been an interesting Term 1 as we resumed face-to-face yet sometimes resorted to online. Thanks to all students for your constant willingness to speak, challenge and extend yourselves, with the Pymble safety net always stretched firmly to support you.
Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award 2022
Congratulations Meera!
Our Language Arts Prefect Meera Barani has been successful in the Zonta Club of Hornsby Ku-ring-gai’s Young Women in Public Affairs Award 2022. She will now progress to Zonta District (NSW/ACT). We wish you success in this next round.
The selection panel was impressed with Meera’s involvement in a range of community service and advocacy interests, her representational roles, and her insightful responses to regard to gender equity questions. Well done, Meera!
Zonta is arranging an award ceremony to present Meera with the winner’s Certificate of Achievement and her cash prize. Stay tuned for photos!
Archdale Debating
Archdale Debating starts in May. The draw will be released early next term.
Social Debating
Well done to our social debaters who completed the last round of Term 1 last Friday. Congratulations Years 7 and 9 on your wins. Ongoing thanks to our coaches and adjudicators – Claire Lee, Mulan Xu, Hanna Cheung, Caitlyn Tan, Christy Xue, Angie Wang, Sai Suriyadeepan, Christine Hur, Isabella Cameron and Alyssa Yee, our Debating Captain. Special thanks to Zarina (ISDA) who stepped in to assist in coaching last week and to Mia and Meimei for their assistance.
Thank you all for your willingness to have a go and we hope you have enjoyed Social Debating! Please email Mrs Hubbard or Alyssa Yee if you would like to extend or take up this opportunity in Term 2.
Debating Leadership Opportunity
If you are a Years 10, 11 or 12 Archdale, ISDA debater or FED Senior who would like to coach or adjudicate Social Debates on Fridays in Term 2, please email Mrs Hubbard and communicate your interest. This is a wonderful leadership opportunity. We start at 3.30pm and end at 6.30pm on Fridays.
FED Debating
Last week FED teams travelled to Riverview by bus. This was the last round of preliminary debates for the FED season. Teams who made it through to finals will be notified at the conclusion of all make up rounds.
ISDA Debating
ISDA debated Abbotsleigh for Round 7. Round 7 marked the conclusion of the preliminary debates. Next term, make up and final rounds commence. Stay tuned!
Pymble’s Model United Nations (PMUN)
It is back! PMUN was held on Monday at lunchtime. Our MUN captain, Isabella Cameron, led another inspiring session and we welcomed guest speakers from UNSW MUN. We want more Middle School girls. Come along – you will learn lots. It is fun and informative. Keep abreast of what is happening in the world around you. Reserve the date. PMUN is held every fortnight in the Jobson Lecture Theatre. We hope to see you next term.
UNSW MUN Conference
Interested? We can only take ten girls from Years 10 to 12. Register your interest ASAP with Mrs Hubbard. First in basis. The date is Wednesday 25 May. If you have registered, details will be sent early next term via CCSA.
Mock Law
Congratulations to our Mock Mediation team who completed Round 1 and scored an excellent 79/100 for their first round. Mediation training is held Thursday mornings in Kate Mason Room 15, from 7.00am to 8.00am. The next scenario has arrived.
Our first Mock Trial for 2022 was held earlier this week on 5 April from 4.00pm at Roseville. Thanks to the team and their coach Annika Shankar. Results will be posted when they arrive.
Bond Mooting will commence online in May with finals being held in person. Unfortunately, only one team can enter this year. Please ensure registrations are completed for all Mock Law teams.
Kirby Cup Mooting
Having won the cup twice and having also been runners up, it is with sadness that we have recently heard that Western Sydney University is now limiting entries for The Kirby Cup to Western Sydney Schools. We are hoping to find more Mooting opportunities for our keen and talented mooters.
Mrs Bronwyn Hubbard
Head of Language Arts
Term 1 Ensemble Concert: Curtain Rises after eight months of no concerts!
Last night, after eight months of COVID-19 restrictions, more than 300 students from the Secondary School participated in the Term 1 Ensemble Concert.
The concert was a jubilant occasion to celebrate the return of ensemble music at Pymble. Bands, choirs and strings entertained members with many party hits from Handel to Proud Mary. The concert was an uplifting showcase of all the College’s amazing musicians.
A special note of thanks must go to the Pymble Music staff for their time and talents. We look forward to welcoming you to the Term 2 Ensemble Concert ‘Thank you for the Music’ on Wednesday 22 June, where we will farewell the 2022 Year 12 Music students.
SAVE THE DATE: Dame Joan Hammond Piano Recital
We are excited to hold the annual Dame Joan Hammond Piano Recital, showcasing the
College’s piano scholars and Senior pianists.
Date: Tuesday 3 May at 7.00pm (no interval)
Venue: Gillian Moore Centre for the Performing Arts
Booking: This is a free event. No booking is necessary
Featuring works by Bach, Chopin, Liszt and Debussy, the recital will be a breathtaking showcase of musical excellence from some of the College’s most talented pianists.
Harpsichord Development Program
Calling all piano players in Elective Music, the College offers the opportunity for students to have an immersion on the harpsichord. Lessons will be taught by Anthony Abouhama on a fortnightly basis. Please contact Mr Kurt Schweinberger ( to register your expression of interest. Students will then be interviewed and a small group will be selected to participate in the program. Expressions of interest close Thursday 7 April.
SAVE THE DATE: The Lion King JR is coming to Pymble
For one night only on 12 May at 6.30pm in the GMCPA, Year 8 Elective Music will present the Disney musical, The Lion King JR. The production is part of the Broadway Junior series and is 60 minutes in length. Tickets will be on sale through the GMCPA box office from Week 1 Term 2. Please come along with your family and enjoy some wonderful music, performed by some very talented young students.
Mr Kurt Schweinberger
Head of Co-curricular Music
Pymble Tennis Academy Launch
The upcoming Pro-Am Tournament and launch of the Pymble Tennis Academy has been rescheduled (giving you plenty of time to fit in a few extra training sessions!).
The event, which was scheduled to be held on Saturday 2 April, will now be held on Saturday 30 April. We are very much looking forward to celebrating this exciting milestone with our Pymble families and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
In exciting news, we would also like to share an update on some special guests who will be in attendance. The following key players will be joining us on our very own Mollie Dive Courts to participate in our Pro-Am Tennis Tournament with parents and carers, as well as Secondary students.
Scott Draper – former Australian professional tennis player who reached the 4th round of all four Grand Slams and achieved a singles ranking of 42. Scott also won the 2005 Australian Open Mixed Doubles with Sam Stosur.
John Alexander – former Australian professional tennis player and politician. John is the youngest player to have ever represented Australia at Davis Cup and achieved a singles ranking of 8. John is a two-time Grand Slam champion (Australian Open in 1975 and 1982) and reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open on three occasions.
Kerryn Pratt – former Australian professional tennis player and sports broadcaster. Kerryn won the Junior Australian Open Girls Doubles on two occasions and later went on to reach the Australian Open Doubles semi-final in 1979.
Kerry Ballard – an ex-student of Pymble, Kerry reached the quarter finals of the Australian Open in doubles in 1970. She is regarded as the world’s top player over 70 and was named Australian Senior Tennis Player of the Year in 2020.
What a line-up! We can’t wait to see you on campus on Saturday 30 April.
Parent Contact Directory
We are excited to launch the new user-friendly Parent Contact Directory which you can access via MyPymble or the MyPymble app. The Parent Contact Directory has been developed for parents and carers to opt-in to sharing their contact details with other parents and carers in their daughters/s year group to help build community connections. Please note if you give permission for your details to be added to the directory this will enable all parents across your daughter’s year group to also view your details.
As per our Privacy Policy (which can be viewed on our website), these contact details are for personal use only and not to be shared with other parties. They should only be used to make appropriate, school-related contact between parents and carers and they must not be used for any other purpose.
If any details are not listed on the MyPymble Parent Contact Directory this is likely because a parent or carer has not opted in to having their information shown. Please note contact lists constantly change as parents and carers update or add their details and you should refer to the list available on MyPymble for the latest correct details. You can also change your sharing preferences via MyPymble.
To log in you will need to use your unique carer number and password. Please refer to the email you will have received with your carer number to log in. If you are unable to log in, we would request that you reset your password using this link, or alternatively, contact the IT Helpdesk on +61 2 9855 7771 for assistance.
Pymble Cyber Safety Hub
Your family, your school and cyber safety
Our school recognises that children today are growing up in an increasingly online world and that it’s important that we do more to support and guide them to navigate this digital landscape.
Successfully developing healthy and responsible digital citizens requires a holistic approach, and that’s why our school’s cyber safety ecosystem allows us to work collaboratively with you to support your children’s digital development and provide the advice and support you need.
Parents have been notified by email that student photos are now available to order through Melba Studios.
If you would like your order sent to Pymble Ladies’ College for collection, please ensure your order is in by the last day of Term 1 (Thursday 7 April 2022). Photos will be distributed at the College in Term 2. Alternatively, you can have photos shipped to your home address for a small charge. Please complete one order per student. Please refer to email for details on how to order.
Can you help?
Are you able to help us with our Sony Camp fundraising event? We will be holding a bake sale on Saturday 7 May (Week 2, Term 2) at the Ku-ring-gai Netball Courts in Turramurra. All funds raised will go towards the Pymble-Shore Sony Camp.
Donations can include items such as whole cakes, cupcakes, slices, biscuits, toffees, crackles or any other specialties you might have!
Sony Camp 2022 will be the tenth annual Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp hosted by Pymble and Shore Year 11 students, with the assistance of our community. Sony Camp provides much-needed respite for the parents and siblings of children with a disability by delivering a fun-filled four-day experience for the children. The Camp relies on the generous donations of our school community.
If you are able to assist, could you please complete this short google form to allow us to anticipate donations.
Many thanks for your support. Every donation will make a difference.
The Sony Camp Committee
From the Director of Community Engagement and Advancement
Oh, what a night!
Our Pymble community didn’t let the wet weather get in the way of enjoying a fantastic evening on campus for our Icebreaker event on Friday 1 April.
The theme was ‘Celebrate’ and celebrate we did, welcoming back the talented African drummers and circus performers who entertained our girls on their first day back to campus earlier this term.
Despite having to move from Gloucester Lawn, the Boarders’ Dining Hall and Main Hall were almost unrecognisable – stunningly decked out for the celebration as our parents and carers caught up with new and old friends and chatted with staff.
It was an incredible turnout, with 500 people joining us. Many parents and carers remarked how special it was to catch up socially after the interruptions of COVID-19.
A special thank you to Keith Jones and the team from Chartwells for the delicious food and drinks and to our Year 12 girls for serving.
Thank you also to the Pymble Parent Association (PPA) for organising, including the three parent organisers Monika Surana, Julie Xie and Christel Vigne, as well as Community Engagement’s busy bees, in particular our Event Manager extraordinaire Meredith Coleman.
In Memory of Mrs Patricia Burgoyne
Alumni, staff and friends attended a memorial service for Mrs Patricia Burgoyne on Sunday 3 April 2022. Mrs Burgoyne passed away in 2020 but, due to COVID-19, it was not possible to commemorate her life until now.
Mrs Burgoyne joined the College in 1958 and had the unique opportunity to work with three Principals. As a member of the English Department, and as a Form Mistress and Director of Studies, she endeared herself to the students and staff alike, always willing to spare time to assist where there was a need.
In 1966, she was appointed Co-ordinator of the English Department and four years later, the Second Assistant to the Principal. In 1979, Mrs Burgoyne was appointed as First Assistant to the Principal which involved the roles of Deputy Principal and Director of Studies.
Her love of good literature was imparted to the girls with feeling and attention to detail, making the characters come alive. For many years Mrs Burgoyne took a very positive role in producing countless dramatic productions, all with high entertainment value.
Mrs Burgoyne retired at the end of 1990 and sadly passed away in 2020.
The memorial service can be watched via catch-up, below:
Career Expo creates exciting pathways for our girls
The annual Pymble Ladies’ College Careers Expo 2022 on Monday 4 April showcased a wide range of representatives from tertiary education providers, as well as post-school opportunities. The Expo allowed students in Years 10 to 12 to ask questions about university and degree options, including residential and exchange opportunities, cadetships and scholarships. We hosted 50 exhibitors with universities from Sydney, regional and interstate in attendance.
Thank you to our Alumni, parents and staff who represent many exciting career areas and who were there on the night to answer questions, discuss their workplace experiences and provide invaluable careers advice for our girls in various sectors including engineering, medical and media. It was so lovely for our team to see parents and carers attending with their daughter as they consider their career options – and received cuddles from one very popular pooch!
A number of our Alumni mentioned how they recalled attending the Careers Expo when they were students at Pymble and found it very helpful to hear from the professionals at this crucial stage of their young lives.
Mrs Kelly Mancey
Director – Community Engagement & Advancement
Pymble in Dubbo
From the Pymble Parent Association
From the Pymble Parent Association
Brigid Robson
It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at the Icebreaker last Friday night. Even though the weather had not been kind to us during the week, it held off so we we able to host the event both in and outdoors. The most common remark I received was how it was “lovely to have these get togethers, see people we have not seen for a long time and be back on school grounds”. This event was a success due to the magnificent organisation by the three parent organisers Monika Surana, Julie Xie and Christel Vigne. It was a pleasure working with them. As usual, Meredith Coleman, Pymble Events Manager, and the Community Engagement team also worked behind the scenes to make sure everything went according to plan on the night.
Term 1 of 2022 has now come to an end and I am sure a lot of us are glad the school holidays are upon us; time to put up our feet for moment! It has been a very busy term, especially as most events took part in March (including all the various year group’s breakfasts at The Greengate and the New Parents’ High Tea). Over the break, the PPA will start to get our main fundraiser event, Trivia Night, finalised and invitations will be out shortly. So while your feet are up with a glass of liquid in hand, start to get the general knowledge going, it promises to be a cracking night. Matt and Jon will be the organisers for the Trivia Night and the proceeds will be used to fund further development programs for two staff members and to pay for the Vicki Waters prize at the prize giving.
Part of PPA is our care and support team. The care and support team provide home-cooked meals to Pymble families who are having a tough moment (perhaps someone is sick in the family or a family member has passed away). There are freezers at the school where the meals are stored and when required are sent by the school to the family. The freezers are currently empty and so we would would some of our Pymble family to contribute a lovely home-cooked meal (that can be frozen). If you could please place the meal/s in a foil container, write its contents on the top and drop them off at each school’s Admin Office. Favourites include soups, curries, cottage pies etc.
Have a lovely break and see you in Term 2.
From the JSPG
Elizabeth Toh, Aimee Birch, Stephanie Pickford and Kai Jones
Save the Date: JSPG Family Picnic and Movie Night – Saturday 14 May
We are very excited to be holding the biggest event in our JSPG calendar, the Family Picnic and Movie Night, on Saturday 14 May from 3.30pm to 8.00pm.
Last year, this was tremendously successful and now with the addition of Years K-2, we are looking forward to making this year bigger and better.
For those who have not yet attended, the family picnic is like a carnival and a fun day out for the whole family. There is a variety of food and entertainment, including a giant slide, kindy farm, putt-putt golf, old-fashioned games and karaoke. There are also sideshow attractions for the kids, including guessing competitions and a spinning prize wheel. The event concludes with a family dinner and movie as the sun sets.
This is a fabulous opportunity for the Junior School community to gather and create special memories. We will be seeking parent assistance for the ever-popular cake, bake and lolly stand shortly, as well as the other fun stalls being run by year groups.
Please talk to your class parent or year co-ordinator (or alternatively email us at if you are able to help out before or during the event.
Details on how to purchase tickets will be emailed out shortly by Community Engagement.
Upcoming Events organised by Year Co-ordinators and Class Parents
Kindergarten Park Play will be held during the holidays on Wednesday 13 April from 2.00pm at Bicentennial Park, West Pymble.
Save the date: Year 6 Parent Daughter Dance
Date: Saturday 28 May, 6.30pm to 9.00pm (Week 5, Term 2).
Theme: Springtime in Paris
Invitations to follow in Term 2 with venue details.
Communication with Parents
The parent contact directory is available on MyPymble and has been developed for parents and carers to opt-in to share their contact details with other parents and carers in their daughter(s) year group to help build community connections.
To check your details, log in to MyPymble, click on Parent Contact Directory (under My Shortcuts) and then your Roll Class. There are some parents/carers with names, phone numbers and email addresses missing. To update your details, please click on your name in the top right corner, and select My Profile.
If you have any questions or require further information, please email us the JSPG at:
From the JSPG, we hope you and your family have a very happy Easter period and safe holiday break.
Important: Communications at Pymble
Here at the College, we know that keeping on top of life admin can sometimes feel like a full-time job, so we’ve made it even easier to receive and access communications from the College in order to support your daughter’s schooling.
All you need is the MyPymble Portal…
The updated MyPymble parent information portal has been redesigned to streamline communication and information for families whilst keeping your daughter at the centre. From Term 2, any and all communication sent to a year group, sub-school or the entire school will only be shared on MyPymble and not via email. This will help reduce the number of communications you receive from us and hopefully make it easier for you by providing a one-stop shop for important information from the College. This will include Academic, Community, Events, Sport and Co-curricular information.
Via MyPymble, you can view your daughter’s upcoming assessment tasks (Secondary School) and past academic reports, find College communications such as the Newsletter, inform the College of absence and also view the school calendar.
You can access MyPymble in two ways:
From the Pymble website homepage (click 🔒 icon on top right of page) or click here to view
Download the new app from Google Play or the Apple app store, or scan the relevant QR Code below (please note, updates on the Pymble app are often available as we continue to add enhancements – and one has landed today – so please be sure to keep checking back for updates in Google Play or the app store):
To log in you will need to use your unique carer number and password, which you should have all received via email. If you are unable to log in, please reset your password using this link, or alternatively, contact the IT Helpdesk on +61 2 9855 7771 for assistance.
For further information on these tools please click here to view the MyPymble User Guide.
Semester 1 Community Events Calendar
Pymble Business Directory
Pymble Business Directory – Now Live
The College is pleased to announce the Pymble Business Directory to current families. The Pymble Business Directory will allow Pymble families to advertise your business or service to our Pymble family.
Businesses who have registered can now be found on the Pymble website here.
To list your business, please complete the attached form.
With your support, we hope the Pymble Business Directory will grow to become a valuable resource to our Pymble families.
PymConnect is our online mentoring platform, designed to link our Pymble alumni, parents and carers to facilitate mentoring opportunities that help create a culture of shared learning, and enhance personal and professional growth.
Since the launch of PymConnect last year we have received an enthusiastic response from our community. We currently have 177 mentors and 159 mentees making connections and building a sense of belonging.
The past 18 months have been extraordinary with lockdowns and restrictions impacting the lives of everyone – including our current Year 12 students. As they prepare to complete their HSC studies and embark on their next life journey, this is a time where connections and support are important. In preparation for our newest graduates joining PymConnect, we would like to invite you to participate in this program as a mentor.
A special thanks to those of you who have signed up to join the program following our last invitation.
To express your interest or to ask us a question, please feel free to reach out to us at or phone +61 2 9855 7799.
From the College Uniform Shop
With the end of Term 1 approaching, parents are reminded that when the girls return to school for Term 2 on Wednesday 27 April they need to be wearing the winter uniform. This includes the navy blazer, which is a compulsory garment to be worn to and from school in Terms 2 and 3.
To avoid potential delays or a last-minute rush, we suggest contacting or visiting the College Shop as soon as possible prior to the end of Term 1, should you need winter uniform essentials for Term 2. The College Shop is not open during the school holidays, however we will be open on Tuesday 26 April from 9.00am to 4.30pm.
Important Winter uniform notes
Girls in Kindergarten to Year 8 wear the winter tunic with a plain white pointed collar blouse and tie.
Kindergarten to Year 6 girls have the choice of knee-high black socks or 70 denier black opaque tights.
All Secondary School girls wear 70 denier black opaque tights.
Years 9 and 10 wear the winter skirt with a plain white pointed collar blouse and tie.
Years 11 and 12 wear the skirt with the long sleeve tartan trim long sleeve blouse and tie.
The navy blazer and winter navy hat must be worn to and from school each day.
Notice from the Australian Government: Operation COVID Shield
A message from the Australian Government
As the first term comes to a close, the Australian Government is encouraging and reminding all parents and carers to book a COVID-19 vaccination for children aged five to 11 years of age.
More than 50 per cent of all children aged 5 to 11 have now received a first dose, with many now due for a second dose (eight weeks after the first). In particular as we approach school holidays and the weather cools down, it is important to take steps to minimise the impact of COVID-19. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect your child, and the community.
The Department of Health website provides a number of resources with further information about seeking COVID-19 vaccination. Attached is a Fact Sheet which you could use to have a conversation with your child. Further resources are also available at:
Vaccines are widely available across the country at general practices, state-run clinics and Aboriginal Health Services. You can find a participating clinic and make an appointment by visiting the Vaccine Clinic Finder at:
Thank you for your efforts to keep your child and the wider school community safe.
Our Parent Handbook provides a quick and easy reference for families on all things Pymble. We encourage all our families to familiarise themselves with the handbook.
Should you have any questions or require further clarification on any of the information contained in the handbook, please contact
Pymbulletin is our magazine-style publication covering student, staff and College news, initiatives, events and achievements.
The Ex-Students’ section of Pymbulletin reports on the achievements of Pymble alumni, news items and engagements, weddings, births and vale notices.
This journal shines the light on Pymble people as designers and innovators of education, and the creative, connected and engaged practice in our community of learners.
The articles will take readers into classrooms from Kindergarten in the Preparatory School to Year 12 in the Senior School, from Drama to Science to the Library. We invite you to enjoy this insight into the depth and diversity of innovation in our learning environments and our commitment to sustainable capacity building.