Celebrating our extraordinary 2021 journey - 12 February

From the Principal

Well, 2021, that was quite a ride! My sincere hope is that each member of our community will look back with enormous pride on the role they played in driving our girls’ learning forward throughout the year, no matter how many roadblocks and detours we encountered along the way. In true Pymble style, we simply created new pathways, while taking a moment or two to appreciate the journey as much as the destination.

This week, I’ve been filled with an equally enormous sense of joy to be able to welcome parents to our end-of-year assemblies. We have missed the energy and presence of our parent community during the last two terms and were delighted to be able to modify our traditional Speech Day/Night formats to allow you to join us on campus to celebrate your daughters’ incredible achievements this year. It was such a pleasure to commend each cohort for their standout attributes and present them with a keepsake card featuring a woman of influence who has demonstrated similar attributes to break new ground in their field of work. I’d like to think the girls will do a little more research into their historical role model and start dreaming big for how they too might like to change the world one day.

To all our wonderful parents and carers, please accept a big, heartfelt thank you for trusting us to make the best decisions for your daughters’ education and for your unwavering support. Your partnership with the College is incredibly important to us, and we could not have achieved all we did this year without you. To our wonderful Preparatory and Junior School families, an extra special thank you for your phenomenal commitment to your daughters’ learning during the extended lockdown.

To our amazing staff, I can’t say this enough: thank you for never hesitating to pivot, innovate and go above and beyond to ensure we deliver an outstanding education for our girls, whether that’s on campus, online or anywhere else we need to be. You have managed to transition pretty much everything we offer at the College online so that teaching and learning stayed on track at all times. Our girls are so fortunate to have you to learn from and look up to.  

To our College Board members, thank you for your gifts of time and wisdom, which you so willingly give to me and the leadership team as we continue to dream up new ways to give our girls the most incredible opportunities to learn and grow at Pymble. To our Chair, James Hunter, thank you for being available for guidance 24/7 and for always asking the refining questions that need to be asked. Mostly, thank you for being who you are: supportive, open to learning, brave and kind.

Now to the very special people who are at the centre of our world here at Pymble, our amazing girls. Thank you for being the resilient, courageous, adaptable, curious and unique individuals that make me, your Heads of School, Heads of Year and all your teachers so proud.

Thank you for having a go this year, and for not being scared to try, fail and try again.

Thank you for learning to be good with who you are – let’s keep working on that self-confidence in 2022! 

Thank you to the courageous souls who played a role in their final assembly or celebration of learning this week, whether they spoke on behalf of their year group, played an instrument, sang or danced in any of the many delightful (and COVID-safe) performances we have had the privilege to enjoy. A special shout-out and virtual hug to all those students who worked so hard this year to receive an award – and to our Year 12 cohort who finally finish their HSC exams tomorrow. You have faced a challenging year with care, courage, integrity, respect and responsibility, just as we knew you would.

Signing off with enormous gratitude for our Pymble family and excitement for the year ahead. Have a wonderful break, stay safe and see you in 2022.

Dr Kate Hadwen 
From the Deputy Principal – Academic (K-12)

From the Deputy Principal – Academic (K-12)

Adjustments to the Secondary Day structure for 2022

At the start of next year, Secondary students and staff will be working from a new five-period day timetable.

The current six-period day was designed to provide daily check-ins for Compass teachers with their students and to unlock time for students to be taught a Wellbeing curriculum in Directions lessons. Unfortunately, staff and students have found that the current six-period day timetable amplified key issues such as:

  • A busier day with additional homework and movement around campus
  • Interruptions to academic class time
  • Two periods after lunch, which is not optimal for learning
  • A reduction in Chapel time.

Based on this feedback, the academic leaders of the College met to design key principles upon which a new timetable could be designed.

This new timetable is designed around some key principles:

  1. Reducing cognitive overload – design for less classes per day
  2. Increasing academic care time – provide time in the day for students to access support and help from their teachers, develop great study practices and prepare well for assessments
  3. Create the conditions for high impact teaching and learning
  4. Increased alignment between academic structures across stages.

From these principles a new timetable has been designed with a consistent time each day for Compass teachers to see their class. It provides the option for shorter and longer lessons to better support a variety of teaching and learning approaches and subject types. Opportunities for supervised study periods for students in Years 7 to 10 are unlocked, helping them prepare for their Senior years of study.

Mr Justin Raymond
Deputy Principal – Academic (K-12)

End of Year Events

We have enjoyed celebrating our Celebrations of Learning and Final Assemblies with our Kindergarten to Year 9 girls so far this week. Recordings are available below:

Wednesday 1 December – Kindy Celebration of Learning

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/kindy-celebration-of-learning 

Wednesday 1 December – Year 1 Celebration of Learning

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-1-celebration-of-learning 

Wednesday 1 December – Year 2 Celebration of Learning

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-2-celebration-of-learning 

Wednesday 1 December – Final Assembly Years 3 and 4

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/years-3-4-final-assembly 

Wednesday 1 December – Final Assembly Years 5 and 6

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/years-5-6-final-assembly 

Thursday 2 December – Final Assembly Year 7

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-7-final-assembly 

Thursday 2 December – Final Assembly Year 8

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-8-final-assembly 

Thursday 2 December – Final Assembly Year 9

WATCH RECORDING HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-9-final-assembly 

Details about Friday’s remaining Assemblies are below, as well as links to watch the ceremonies online:

Friday 3 December – Final Assembly Year 10, 9.15am to 10.45am (Venue: Gym) 

WATCH HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-10-final-assembly 

Friday 3 December – Final Assembly Year 11, 12.15pm to 1.30pm (Venue: Gym) 

WATCH HERE: https://sites.google.com/pymblelc.nsw.edu.au/livestream/year-11-final-assembly 

If you wish to attend the Year 10 or Year 11 Final Assemblies in person, we would also like to extend the invitation to ONE parent or carer per student for Upper and Senior School girls. Numbers will still be capped in accordance with the Public Health Orders, so please register your attendance quickly if you would like to attend.  

Much consideration has been given to these events in order to keep our Pymble community COVID-safe and follow government guidelines. For all parents and carers attending in person, we ask that you please read the below carefully and adhere to the requirements on the day.  

  • All attendees must check in via our QR Code. 
  • All attendees must wear a mask on campus. 
  • All attendees must show their vaccination certificate (via a mobile phone or a printed hard copy) upon entry to the War Memorial Chapel and/or Jeanette Buckham Centre for Physical Education (Gym). 
  • All attendees must sit in the designated areas, please do not take a seat outside of these specially created areas. 
  • For Assemblies in the Gym, all attendees are to enter via the SOUTH entry of the building. Please follow the signs.  
  • Please arrive no more than 15 minutes before your daughter’s event. 
    Please do not attend this event if you or your daughter are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms.  
  • Social distancing should be maintained, and we will have hand sanitiser available at the QR scanning station. 

Centenary Car Park will be available for parents to park but this will be limited. 

COVID Tip of the Week for Years 6 to 11 parents and carers

COVID Tip of the Week for Years 6 to 11 parents and carers

COVID Tip of The Week

If you haven’t had an opportunity to upload your daughter’s vaccination certificate yet, please take a moment to do so here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAexy5gx7xP_2RVcjDaomXh_pCaw6_2kz9YlOSZAYR90_8RA/viewform

Reminder – visitors are currently not permitted on campus

  • No external visitors, including parents, are allowed on campus except in extenuating circumstances approved by a member of the Senior Executive.
  • Any approved visitors (see above) must show evidence of full vaccination and will be advised to check-in on the Service NSW Pymble QR Code at the College Main Reception/Prep/Junior Schools/Facilities upon arrival.
  • Visitors, including parents, should not come onto campus if unwell or experiencing COVID-like symptoms.

For the most up-to-date information regarding visitors on campus, please refer to: https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families#School4.


Response Plans for each sub-school

Preparatory School Response Plan

Junior School Response Plan

Secondary School Response Plan


Return to Campus Guide

Return to Campus Guide

Year in Review

From the Director of Student Learning (Years 11-12)

Year 12 2022 – How much holiday study is necessary?

Students have been working so hard this term and should be incredibly proud of the seamless way they adjusted to being back onsite. They need to have a mental and physical break so I would strongly advise taking time off over Christmas. In order for the girls to bring their best and most productive self to the HSC year in 2022 having time to recharge is so important.

However, it is also a good opportunity to consolidate everything from the start of Year 12 in Term 4 2021.

But what does it mean when we ask students to ‘consolidate their learning’? This should involve:

  • Ensuring that all class work is up-to-date
  • Reviewing concepts that are not understood by accessing class notes, videos and other resources on the VC, Edrolo (for some subjects) and textbooks
  • Reviewing and taking note of feedback on the first assessment task and class work
  • Making study flashcards, mind maps or notes which can be used for retrieval practice throughout Year 12.

Completing this consolidation as well as having a good rest, plenty of exercise and time with friends and family will enable a confident start to the new year. 

Year 12 2021 – Congratulations!

HSC examinations finish on Friday! A huge congratulations to all our resilient students.

Below are some very happy faces after finishing their final exam.

It has been such a long journey and I am sure that all their hard work will pay off when the ATARs are released on 20 January 2022 and HSC results for each subject on 24 January 2022.

We look forward to celebrating their successes in late January along with the Valedictory Dinner.

It has been an absolute privilege to guide our senior students through their HSC years and I wish all our students and their families a wonderful, safe and relaxing holiday break.

Mrs Natasha Stanfield
Director of Student Learning (Years 11-12)

From the Preparatory School

From our Head of Preparatory School

The time is here! You may be thinking ‘Christmas or end of the school year?’, which would be accurate. Or your thoughts may travel to considering this as a time to take a breath following a year of unexpected challenge and extended online learning. Many may be identifying this as a time when your daughter has achieved much and has grown as both a social being and engaged learner having established new friendships and grown in her knowledge of the world. So what time is it?

For me, the time is to say goodbye to the Preparatory School family as the Preparatory and Junior Schools come together in 2022. During my nine years of leading an extraordinary team of committed educators, I have greatly valued so many things. So, I start with those who first put their trust in us.

Thank you to the many parents who have walked this journey beside me. From the very first question so often asked, “So what brings you through the gates of Pymble for your daughter’s learning and care?” to the celebrations of each girl’s achievements that we shared together during Celebrations of Learning, please know that you were heard and that your excitement, concerns and voice were valued and considered deeply. Trusting in others to do their absolute best is not an easy path when we are talking about our children and I, along with the Preparatory staff, have so valued the responsibility you offered us.

To our many Preparatory School girls, thank you for your spirit, your excitement and your wonder. As owners of the future, your creativity, capacity to navigate change and delight in invention is astounding. You have each given of us so many things to ponder and to question. We have learned so much from YOU! “Watch us change the world” reflects that your impact is already causing us to change – each of you has most certainly changed our world as educators of young minds. I am so very thankful for knowing every one of you!

Preparatory School staff, the dedicated educators who respond to the needs and interests of young learners to engage each child and co-construct knowledge in a climate of respect, please know your tireless energy and commitment have been appreciated beyond words. You have helped to develop confidence, voice and sprit within the Preparatory School girls, ensuring they will have belief in themselves, confidence to navigate challenge and presence to bring about a new world. This is a big expectation for such young children to carry, but it is my absolute belief that the early years of a child’s life defines who they can become in the future.

I wish all in our Preparatory School family a very special Christmas and holiday period. Time to reconnect, to breath and to explore new adventures. It has been an honour to have your trust during my time as Head of the Preparatory School and I look forward to welcoming families as we enter a new chapter for the College, with the introduction of an early learning centre of the future.

“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings and grow.” – Alfie Kohn

Please note that all correspondence to the Preparatory School Office should be via prepschool@pymblelc.nsw.edu.auor by phone on + 61 2 9855 7720.  

Mrs Karen Ahearn
Head of Preparatory School


From our Deputy Head of Preparatory School

As the end of my journey at Pymble draws near, I would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thanks to the wonderful students I have had the privilege of teaching and guiding over the last seven years. It has been an enormous honour to know and guide them and their families and to share in the adventures of life and learning. My passion has always been wellbeing and now more than ever, I know how much emotions matter and influence every avenue of our lives. It has been such a joy helping to develop the girls’ understanding of emotions, guiding them towards an understanding that hard and sad days will pass and recognising the things that make us most happy. I have had the opportunity of working with an incredible team here at Pymble and know that they will continue to grow and flourish in 2022. Thank you again for all the wonderful memories! Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas.

Mrs Tracey Frater
Deputy Head of Preparatory School


From our Kindergarten Co-ordinator

2021 – what a year it has been! Even as change and challenge occurred, our Kindergarten girls always exuded positivity, joy and curiosity; both on campus and online. The word proud doesn’t seem to be enough to sum up the feeling the teachers have for everything the girls have taught us and all they have achieved in their first year of school. We have been looking at our work from the start of the year and have been exclaiming, “Now we can write!”, “Now we can read!”.

It has been an absolute privilege for us to be able to facilitate that journey and help them take their first steps of learning at Pymble. Kindergarten 2021 girls have amazed us with their courage, resilience and endless wonder about the world around them. We have loved learning about dinosaurs together, celebrating spring and bees and hearing all their questions and wonderings.

We know they will enter Year 1 ready to challenge themselves and embrace new knowledge and learning. We also know that their kindness and compassion for each other will continue to spread the College values at Pymble and beyond.

We wish all the girls and their families a safe, happy and restful holiday season.

“When I was little, I didn’t know how to write and now I’ve improved a lot.” – Olivia Huang

“I am proud of adding up numbers because I didn’t know before.” – Aviana Faraz

“From Term 1 until now I have grown so big and I am more confident.” – Ariel Wang

“I am proud of trying my best when things are very hard. I am proud of making things.” – Chloe Yu

“I am proud of my reading. Reading is fun.” – Echo Rao

“I am proud of my work, my neat handwriting, art and craft and my reading.” – Mia Whitehead

“My favourite moment of Kindergarten was meeting my teacher.” – Li-Ya Koo

“My favourite moment of Kindergarten was looking after the ducklings.” – Myraa Jain

“I am proud of all the art I worked on.” – Ines Wang

“The best part of Kindergarten is learning lots of new things.” – Isabel Chang

“I am proud of learning Italian.” – Alicia Gong

“I love doing art and painting in Kindergarten.” – Audrey Conn

 Ms Casey, Mrs Carré, Mrs Melrose and Mrs Clark

Ms Catherine Casey 
Kindergarten Co-ordinator


From our Year 1 Co-ordinator

Do you know how much an elf weighs? Year 1 students were intrigued by this question and used their knowledge of mass to investigate, estimate and record their findings. Buddy, Sugarplum, Holly and Jasper, the Year 1 elves, were our willing test subjects as they sat carefully in the balance scales so that the mathematicians of Year 1 could accurately weigh them. We used chocolate baubles and Christmas gummies as our measuring objects. The girls first estimated how many of each object they thought would be required and then tested their prediction. We found that each elf weighed eight chocolate baubles and seven Christmas gummies. Oh, what fun we have in Year 1!

Miss Emily Boyd
Year 1 Co-ordinator


From our Year 2 Co-ordinator

As Term 4 draws to a close, the Year 2 teachers have been so incredibly proud of the growth the girls have made this year, and their maturity and readiness for Year 3. This was seen particularly last Friday when we held our ‘Believe in You Bootcamp’. The aim of this day was for the girls learn more about themselves, embrace challenge and learn skills to build resilience and manage change.

The girls took part in a variety of activities based around the Mind, Body, Spirit framework. These included planting plants where we discussed how much they themselves had grown and talked about needing to have a growth mindset when trying new things. The girls were excited to be taking their plants home to take care of them and watch them grow!

We then heard from our wonderful Kindergarten to Year 6 Counsellors, Dr Danielle Ellis and Frieda Stemp, who talked about change, strategies for dealing with uncomfortable feelings and who the girls can go to for support. They then made calm down jars using glitter, sequins and coloured water and learned techniques for relaxation such as belly breathing.

The afternoon activities included some mindfulness activities and a time for self-reflection, dancing and yoga, as well as energetic team sport activities like a tug of war. It was wonderful seeing the girls challenging themselves and trying new things – from planting a plant for the very first time to supporting their friends to win a tug-of-war. We have no doubt that they are more than ready for Year 3 next year!

Mrs Kate Giles
Year 2 Co-ordinator




For the last day of term, the Preparatory School girls go home at 11.30am on Friday 3 November. Out of School Care is open from 11.30am, however parents must book their daughter in for OSHC to confirm her attendance.

Kidsoft parent portal link


Co-curricular program 2022 registrations have opened for Kindergarten to Year 12.  Registrations are essential for participation in Co-curricular programs and places are allocated on a ‘first in first served’ basis.

The Aquatic Centre is also taking Learn to Swim bookings for summer. Please contact Learntoswim@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au for more information or assessments.


All items of uniform should be named including the summer hat, play hat, uniforms, shoes, sneakers, socks, lunch box and drink bottle. Lost items can be readily returned if they are labelled.

Summer hats should have your daughter’s name written in white pen on the black elastic inside the crown. If there is a circular label inside the hat, don’t use this as it is inclined to come loose.

Please be aware that unnamed items will only be held at the Preparatory School Reception for two weeks.


A reminder to keep your contact details up to date. For any changes, please use the MyPymble ‘Change of Details’ link.

From the Junior School

From our Head of Junior School

As we come to the end of our school year, I have been reflecting on the celebrations of learning and the challenges we have faced as a Junior School family. Thank you all for your constant love, kindness and messages of support throughout this year. We feel so blessed to walk alongside you and to help guide your daughters as they grow and learn. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and hope those of you who have not seen loved ones for a long time are able to connect with them over this summer. Our thoughts and prayers are with all our families and friends overseas who face new COVID-19 challenges.

Looking back to look forward

This week we look back on our amazing Year 6 girls and whilst we are sad to farewell them, we wish each of them so much luck and love as they look forward to new adventures in Year 7. We have enjoyed reflecting with them on their journey through the Junior School and acknowledge they have each stepped up as leaders and role models consistently modelling our College values throughout this very challenging year. We are extraordinarily proud of them all.

Reflecting on 2021 – Year 6

“2021 was, to say the least, interesting. We went into lockdown halfway through the year and many events were cancelled. Fortunately, there were many moments that have brought me joy. Some highlights were the Outdoor Education program because we spent four days with our friends, the Year 6 Disco because it was so much fun to dance and sing together and playing Saturday sport in Terms 1 and 2 because sport brings me joy.” – Elisa Cui (6P)

“I found lockdown challenging to not always have the support from my teachers and friends in person every day. When we returned back to school it brought me great joy to see everyone again, explore new topics that I had never learned about before and of course all of the Year 6 special events. I feel very relieved that we could have them and celebrate a very different year that has taught me to be flexible, ready for changes and always have an open mind.” – Eliza Rose Griffiths (6Y)

“At the start of Year 6, I was quite ready to finally have a year without COVID-19. It was a new beginning, a new chance to learn in the classroom and a blooming opportunity to succeed. Then disaster struck, COVID-19 had come back and we had to go into lockdown. During online learning, I was definitely not my best self, my attention span grew shorter and I became impatient with my internet speed. When Term 4 came, I was ready to restart. I think it’s good that I had challenges in Term 3, as now I’ve learned a lot more about myself.” – Tara Sproules-Nath (6M)

“I felt that a challenge for me this year was speaking out my thoughts online as it was difficult. But as I got used to it, I came out of my shell slowly. Speaking and sharing my ideas thoughtfully has turned into my best joy for the year.” – Vivian Wei (6B)

“This year, I enjoyed being able to go back to school because some children in other countries aren’t able to because of COVID-19. I was grateful I was still able to connect with my friends during online learning. I’m grateful for the teachers as they were able to make online learning fun and we had mufti days every Friday!” – Sienna Ford (6L)

“This year I found joy in my academics and my leadership role. I had the pleasure of being Wylie House Captain. I got to take people round the school on tour and lead a group of girls in Wylie. What brought challenge to me this year was getting out of my comfort zone and trying to go to the next higher level in my work. I have enjoyed my life in the Junior School and can’t wait to go to the Middle School and learn even more.” – Isabel Neal (6E)

“Year 6 has been the most enjoyable year ever filled with challenges as we have had to adapt and adjust to a harder learning environment due to online learning. Accompanied by the joys of developing new friendships as well as the opportunities to learn and experience more each day has really been a wonderful journey.” – Mia Chen

Here are some photos which show just how much the Year 6 girls have grown over their Junior School journey.

Mrs Wilson and Mrs Wright’s Year 6 literacy group has written their own collaborative poem, My City inspired by their love of Dorothea Mackellar’s My Country. Please click this link to enjoy their recital of their poem. Thank you to these poets: Kayra Amir, Nazgol Koochakzadeh, Annabel Lewthwaite, Bella Liem, Lucinda Martin, Harriet Murphy, Zara Orr, Victoria O’Sullivan, Anjali Shah, Gabriella Sheh, Annabel Tamas, Cassandra Vielman, Lara Waterhouse, Ruby Watson, Georgia Yuen and Catherine Zeng.

We shared a wonderful evening of dancing with our Year 6 girls at their celebratory Silent Disco. A huge shout out to the hard working Year 6 team who brought this evening to life despite COVID-19 restrictions. The girls had some dazzling dance moves and there were some impressive air guitarists amongst them but most of all it was an evening of joy and friendship as they celebrated together.

What brought us joy this year – a reflection by our Junior School Year Co-ordinators

This week our amazing Year Co-ordinators have reflected on their journey this year and what has brought them joy.

“My greatest source of joy this year has been our gorgeous Year 3 girls. I have been so impressed with the courage, resilience and perseverance the girls have demonstrated, in spite of the challenges they have faced. Their enthusiasm and excitement for learning is infectious, and it has been a delight to watch them grow and change throughout the year.” – Mrs Tedesco, Year 3 Co-ordinator

“In 2021 I have been filled with joy by the way Year 4 has embraced kindness. Walking into school each morning and reading the messages of kindness that covered the bricks of our building never failed to make me smile with pride and joy.” – Mr Stephen Robinson, Year 4 Co-ordinator

“Year 5 has given me lots of joy in 2021 and I am so proud of how easily the girls have adapted to change. Going from learning on campus to learning online and then back again, the girls kept smiling and embracing changes and challenges. Joy has come through seeing girls take risks and being okay to step out of their comfort zone and fail. Joy came from the Year 5 girls stepping up to teaching their classmates and teachers to cook family recipes online and about their culture and religion. Joy came from girls choosing to be kind and looking after each other in what has been a crazy year. Joy was hearing laughter and hearing girls question why and what they were learning. Joy has come in so many ways in 2021 and I look forward to all the joy 2022 will bring.” – Mr Turnbull, Year 5 Co-ordinator

“2021 has been filled with joy from the moment I was blessed to nurture, care and guide such a beautiful group of Year 6 girls and an amazing team of colleagues. To empower and witness our dear girls having a voice, sharing it with care, responsibility and kindness, to be heard, valued and to make a difference in the lives of others has been the centre of 2021 for me and this has brought me enormous joy. As Mark Twain once said. “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with” and I have been so very lucky to have shared this wonderful journey with each and every one of our resilient and courageous Year 6 girls. I am so grateful.” – Michele Wilson, Year 6 Co-ordinator

Staff News

As we head to the end of the year, we are farewelling some staff who head off for new adventures in 2022. We send them off with best wishes and much gratitude for all their hard work throughout their time in our Junior School family.

We thank Mrs Dignam who has shared her passion for French language and culture with the girls this year.

We thank Mrs Sharman who has led the learning for our girls in Year 6 throughout Semester 2 this year.

We thank Mrs Woodyatt who has led Performing Arts lessons with such passion, skill and positive energy. The musical performance the Junior School girls presented at their Final Assemblies is testament to her hard work alongside Mrs King and Mrs Hare.

We farewell Mrs Plummer and send her off with much love as she heads into her maternity leave. We wish her, Peter and their daughter Gwen much luck in their new adventures as a family.

We thank Mrs Ward for her years of dedication as a Compass teacher and are delighted to announce she will be joining our Learning Support team from 2022 leading EAL/D.

We thank Mrs Day for her care of our girls throughout this year and particularly for stepping in as a specialist teacher online and then as a Compass teacher within the Year 3 team.

We sadly farewell Madame Hanson this year after 16 amazing years with our Junior School. Madame Hanson has dedicated so much energy, care and joie de vie to our Junior School girls over the years and she is looking forward to many healthy, happy adventures as she gifts herself the time to explore her passion for writing as she retires from teaching. Our girls will formally farewell her on Friday in our final Junior School Assembly for this year as she is very loved by them all.  


Our Junior School Leadership 2022

It gives me the greatest pleasure to think about leading our Junior School family next year alongside this outstanding senior leadership team who each bring experience, wisdom and kindness to their roles:

Deputy Head of Junior School Academic – Mrs Lara Bird

Deputy Head of Junior School Operations – Mrs Nerissa Davey


Deputy Head of Junior School Students – Mrs Kimberley Tyson

Lead Co-ordinator Years 1-3 – Mrs Jayne Mercer

Lead Co-ordinator Years 4-6 – Mr Stephen Robinson


Mrs Kate Brown
Head of Junior School



Return of Online Student Device – Friday 3 December, 2.00pm – 3.00pm Centenary Carpark

Return of student iPads (online students) and collection of student belongings will take place on Friday 3 December. Please come to the Centenary Carpark to collect your daughter’s belongings and to hand in her iPad, crayon and charger (if applicable).


As this is our last newsletter as JSPG leaders, we would like to thank all parents for their help and support this year.  We have really enjoyed representing Junior School parents and working with the school to help our wonderful parent community.  We could not have done this without the help and support of our awesome JSPG Committee and Class Parents:

JSPG Committee

Treasurer: Elizabeth Toh

Record Keeper: Belinda Gerreyn

Care & Support: Shweta Deshpande

Year 3 Coordinators: Monika Surana and Stephanie Yu

Year 4 Coordinators: Stephanie Pickford and Belinda Gerreyn

Year 5 Coordinators: Tash Rowe, Kirsten Bond and Brooke Finucane

Year 6 Coordinators: Kajal Shah and Magda Louw

Class Parents

3P: Edwina Burns and Jen Tucker

3Y: Sinead Forbes and Ivor Lok

3M: Leah Deutscher and Lynn Morrison

3B: Juliana Huang

3L: Donna Zhang

4P: Ping Shi and Aimy Hoang

4Y: Vu Kwan

4M: Shweta Deshpande and Suzana Macolino

4B: Nia Luxton and Annabel Blaiklock

5P: Isma Gair and June Ng

5Y: Rachael Wang

5M: Carmen Man

5B: Sarah Wyatt

5L: Kadie Cheng and Jacqui Hung

5E: Heidi Elliott

6P: Annabel Blaiklock and Karen Landy

6Y: Amanda Englund

6M: Madga Louw and Christina Lee

6B: Amie Tang and Sara Ho

6L: Megan Kinniburgh

6E: Michelle Cummings and Natasha Neal

We wish you all a safe and peaceful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you at Pymble in 2022!

JSPG Quote of the Week:

‘What you think, you become.  What you feel, you attract.  What you imagine, you create.’ Buddha


From the Middle School

From our Head of Middle School

Well, there is an end to it! What a big year for all of our girls and what a fantastic job they have done navigating the challenges and stepping up to achieve so much. Thank you to the parents who were able to join us for our Final Assemblies on Thursday either in person or online. Like you, I was so proud of all the girls and enjoyed the celebrations. Afterwards Years 7 and 8 were treated to a barbecue lunch which marked our final time together prior to the Year 8 girls stepping up to their new home in the Upper School. I must say we are really going to miss them as they have contributed so much to our Middle School community.

Yesterday, as a farewell gift, Year 7 gave Year 8 delicious cupcakes to enjoy after their assembly. Our outgoing Middle School Leaders also delivered a beautiful and heartfelt thank you and goodbye (just for 12 months) to their Head of Year, Mrs Budd, who will be staying on in the Middle School to support us as Acting Deputy Head. I look forward to continuing to work closely with Sarah in this capacity.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all of the wonderful staff in Middle School and to recognise with deep gratitude the investment each of them has in your daughter’s wellbeing. These people embody the culture of the Middle School which is a warm and friendly environment where the girls feel supported and cared for.  Thank you to our Heads of Year: Mr Levin, Mrs Budd, Ms Carr and Ms Lombard; our Administration staff: Mrs Tysoe, the incredible Administration Co-ordinator, and Mrs Volonakis and Mrs Sibug who together work hard to keep the ship afloat.

This term you would be aware that each Compass group has been working hard to produce a Service project and last week we featured a range of photos. I also wanted to highlight a book that 7 Thomas A has created with love for the Westmead Children’s Hospital that is just outstanding in its quality and originality. Thank you, girls, for your generosity and willingness to be there for others.

A special shout out to the Year 7 Transition Leaders this week who have been working right up to the line to support our new incoming students next year. Their willingness to contribute to the event on Wednesday was so very much appreciated. They have done an outstanding job stepping up to and beyond their responsibility.

Isabella Attard

Isabella Pak 

Delaney Burke

Samantha Fahy

Annabelle Jones

Caitlyn Bilney

Annabel Morris

Sehjal Baveja

Alessia Macolino

Ayana Chandra

Emelia Caulfield

Angela Zhang

Anais McDonald

Nikita Srivastava

Imogen Wu

Tessa Gregory-Reid

Yve Willmott

Ruhani Surana

Lisa Wang

Ruby Pickthall

Mahika Swamy

Charlotte Ruscio

Isabelle Short

Congratulations to the Middle School Robotics teams whose achievements are detailed below. At the recent VEX Robotics Competition, Middle School had seven teams competing, and four of our teams, 20731H, 20731A, 20731G and 20731N made the finals. Two teams, 20731H and 20731N, managed to qualify for the Nationals in March 2022. The girls have had an interrupted build season and had to build robots at home during lockdown.  Nonetheless, they managed to get some robots competing against teams from around Australia and internationally, which is an amazing achievement in itself.

Below are the two groups of team members who made Nationals for 2022:

20731H – Sophia Chen, Ang-Ya Koo, Amy Zhang, Sophia Chang (Year 8) 
20731N – Lisa Wang, Lucy Xie, Natalie Yang (Year 7)

Well done to all those who were involved across the program:

20731P – Isabella Nguyen, Thinara Siriniwasa, Isabella Chen, Chi Ien Zhan (Year 8)  
20731D – Anna Le, Katherine Lee, Ruhani Surana (Year 7) 
20731A – Maya Garg, Annie Luo, Rachel Moon, Teresa Sun (Year 8) 
20731M – Imogen Wu, Kitty He, Iris Li, Alice Mao, Jessica Xu (Year 7) 
20731G – Katrina Lin (Year 8), Grace Beck (Year 7), Penelope Danziger (Year 7), Michelle Pan (Year 7) 

Year 7 Directions Update

As we prepare to send off our students for a long summer holiday, this week’s Year 7 Directions lesson was about providing them with a set of strategies to manage strong emotions. TIPP skills are a great method to help cope when faced with overwhelming emotions. They are strategies that can be drawn on when we need something ‘louder’ or stronger than our self-soothing strategies. The TIPP acronym stands for ‘Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, and Progressive muscle relaxation’. These strategies work because they tap into key physiological processes to help our body calm down. The use of cooler temperatures for instance helps to decrease our heart rate by acting on the vagus nerve. More information on how the vagus nerve can be stimulated for better mental health can be found here.

Mrs Jenny O’Donnell
Head of Middle School


From the Deputy Principal – Students

Save the date

Paul Dillon will be hosting a parent event on Thursday 10 February 2022. This event is for all Secondary parents who would like to attend. Further details will be advised closer to the date.

Ms Lamia Rockwell 
Deputy Principal – Students (K-12)


Head of Learning Area – Mathematics

Congratulations Amber Li (Year 7) and Alicia Ge (Year 9) who have achieved some outstanding results in the Mathematics world! In the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) and the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO) Amber was awarded a Prize – the highest award for both competitions. Additionally, Amber sat the three-hour UNSW Mathematics competition where she was awarded a credit. As a result of her performances, Amber has been invited to compete in two prestigious upcoming competitions – the international invitational Tournament of the Towns, and the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee School of Excellence. Alicia was also awarded a Prize certificate in the AMC, and has received the Cheryl Praeger Medal for the most outstanding performance by a female student in their year in Australasia. Alicia is the first Pymble student to win this award! Congratulations to Alicia and Amber on these outstanding results!

Alicia Ge (Year 9)
Amber Li (Year 7)

Mrs Catrina Kerr
Head of Learning Area – Mathematics


From the Geography, Business and Economics Department

On Monday 29 November 240 Year 7 Geography students were given the opportunity to explore the processes that shape our unique Australian landscapes through a trip to the Blue Mountains. The trip included fieldwork activities at the iconic Three Sisters to look at the impact tourism has had on the world heritage site. Students then braved the Scenic Railway, descending to investigate the temperate rain forest and examine the area’s coal mining history. We investigated the change in climate, wind, precipitation & cloud cover to name a few. Some lucky students were even able to spot a Lyrebird amongst the undergrowth (which is a rare and unique experience), while others spotted some dinosaur friends from the annual exhibition. A huge thanks to all who made this trip a success and a massive thank you to the parents that allowed their children to be part of this experience! Check out the Student Photo Competition using Padlet: https://pymblelc.padlet.org/fcole/i49jokpxoprqfl5u

Ms Frankie Cole
Geography Teacher

From the Upper School

From our Head of Upper School 

Wow! What a term, and what a year.

It certainly does not feel like I started eight weeks ago, but here we are at the end of the academic year. I would like to extend my thanks for the support you have shown the Upper School this year and for the kind welcome many of you have extended to me and my family. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Pymble to date and look forward to closely working with our Year 9 families in 2022. For those families in Year 10, we wish you well in the Senior School with Mrs Wyse and her team and look forward to seeing you continue to grow and flourish.

We have enjoyed celebrating our award winners this week, and I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all of our students on their achievements this year. While we have the privilege of celebrating the worthy winners and their toil, passion, dedication and creativity, we must not forget those who provided the competition, the support, the laughs, the quiet achievement, and the aspects of life that do not necessarily lend themselves to an award. I firmly believe we should all be proud of what we have achieved this year, however big or small.

I hope you have a very merry Christmas when you get there, and wish you a safe and enjoyable break.

Mr Tom Riley
Head of Upper School


From our Deputy Head of Upper School

Thank you to the Upper School community for their donations thus far for the Exodus Foundation; Christmas giving is just one of the many ways the girls have displayed our College value of Care this year and their support was appreciated. 

As the holidays approach, we remind the parents and carers that there are many resources on the Office of eSafety Commissioner website which can support students, parents and families in navigating the contemporary issues of safeguarding our students online. Please find links for your reference:

Mental wellbeing resources for families https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-10/eSafetyParents%20-Mental%20wellbeing%20resources%20for%20families_2.pdf

Counselling and mental wellbeing support for young people https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-10/eSafetyParents%20-Mental%20wellbeing%20support%20for%20young%20people.pdf

How to look after your mental wellbeing on social media https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-10/eSafetyParents%20-How%20to%20look%20after%20mental%20wellbeing%20on%20social%20media.pdf

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to our wonderful Upper School community.  Your daughters are such a gift and I am grateful for so many wonderful memories this year. A reminder to our Year 10s…don’t forget to visit us in 2022 and beyond! We will miss you.

I wish you a safe and restful break and look forward to an exciting 2022.

Mrs Michelle Hunt
Deputy Head of Upper School


From the Deputy Principal – Students

DARTA Webinar

It’s important to prepare yourself for issues around sleepovers, parties and gatherings. Putting things into place now can prevent potential problems in the year (and years) ahead.

This presentation will focus on the positive influence that parents can have on their child’s drinking behaviour, even during adolescence, as well as the barriers that they may face during this time. Peer influence is a significant issue at this time and it is important for parents to have clear rules and boundaries in the area of sleepovers, parties, gatherings and alcohol.

This presentation will also examine the latest data on Australian teen drinking behaviour and the growing evidence on the risks associated with this practice.

For further details and registration please go the following link: https://events.humanitix.com/parenting-alcohol-parties-and-sleepovers-in-year-9?_ga=2.98838558.1847493436.1636923312-467732293.1627864130

Save the date

Paul Dillon will be hosting a parent event on Thursday 10 February 2022. This event is for all Secondary parents who would like to attend. Further details will be advised closer to the date.

Ms Lamia Rockwell 
Deputy Principal – Students (K-12)


From our Heads of Year 9

What a term and what a year! Mrs Michie and I are extremely proud of how the students have conducted themselves during the ever-changing events that have occurred this year. We want to reach out and thank every single parent and carer for the support you have given both the College and the Upper School Team. We wish everyone a restful holiday and hope that you all get to spend it with loved ones, and that it is filled with laughter and happiness.

As we move forward, we are excited to be following your beautiful daughters into Year 10 and are thrilled to be front and centre as we watch them grow and mature even more than they have this year. It has been a privilege to see them smash goals and watch their phenomenal achievements and we cannot wait to see what the future holds.

This week was a big one, with the announcements of leadership positions for 2022 and the Speech Day Assembly with the presentation of the Vicki Waters Courage Award, and Helen Manners Dixon Achievement and Encouragement Award. A big congratulations to all.

The girls had some visitors at the Science building this week as they say goodbye to Year 9 and prepare for Year 10.

On Friday 3 December, we will welcome all our new Pymble girls who will be commencing in 2022. We are excited to see the girls with their buddies, touring the grounds and meeting teachers.

Similarly, we want to wish all students whose time is ending at Pymble all the best and want to thank you for a wonderful year.

Ms Dylan Beaumont
Head of Year 9
Mrs Karen Michie
Head of Year 9

From our Heads of Year 10

Well done Year 10. You have successfully navigated your second year in the Upper School with much grace amidst the ongoing challenge of COVID-19. It has been our pleasure working with you and we know that all the Upper School team will miss you greatly as you move into the Senior School. Mr Stern and I are very excited to start Year 11 with you and begin a new challenge that is the HSC.

Year 10’s final week of Term 4 certainly has been a busy one. The Connections afternoon on Monday was an absolute hit with students playing trivia and sports games and enjoying a barbecue lunch.

On Tuesday, PASS students were involved in a fun incursion.

Friday will mark the final day of term and the Year 10 Final Assembly. Congratulations to all award recipients. We will also welcome six new Pymble girls who will be commencing in 2022 for a transition event. We hope these new girls enjoy meeting their buddies and touring the school.

And finally, a big congratulations must go to Rhiannon Castle who has been invited by the Australian Biathlon Association to attend a Biathlon training camp in Martell, Italy, run jointly by the International Biathlon Union and the International Olympic Committee. We wish Rhiannon all the best.

Congratulations to our 2021 Duke of Edinburgh Award Recipients

Awarded Silver to the following students:

















Awarded Bronze to the following students:











Wing Hey







de Ambrosis









Jiayin (Carrie)

































Ms Cara Foley
Head of Year 10
Mr Michael Stern
Head of Year 10


Head of Learning Area – Mathematics

Congratulations Amber Li (Year 7) and Alicia Ge (Year 9) who have achieved some outstanding results in the Mathematics world! In the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) and the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO) Amber was awarded a Prize – the highest award for both competitions. Additionally, Amber sat the three-hour UNSW Mathematics competition where she was awarded a credit. As a result of her performances, Amber has been invited to compete in two prestigious upcoming competitions – the international invitational Tournament of the Towns, and the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee School of Excellence. Alicia was also awarded a Prize certificate in the AMC, and has received the Cheryl Praeger Medal for the most outstanding performance by a female student in their year in Australasia. Alicia is the first Pymble student to win this award! Congratulations to Alicia and Amber on these outstanding results!

Alicia Ge (Year 9)
Amber Li (Year 7)

Mrs Catrina Kerr
Head of Learning Area – Mathematics

Key dates

Friday 3 December

End of Year Assembly Year 10

Last day of Term 4 2021

Thursday 27 January 

Orientation Day for New Students and Buddies

Friday 28 January

First day of Term 1 – all students


From the Senior School

From our Head of Senior School

The Christmas spirit has been building amongst the students and this week there has been a greater buzz as holidays approach. The first Year 12 2022 assessments are completed and students can be proud of their academic efforts. Over the break the girls should be spending some time organising their revision notes and doing some preparation such as reading their English texts or working on extension and practical projects. Most importantly, they need to find some time to relax and rejuvenate with friends and family.

The Senior School has been celebrating Christmas this week – the Secret Santa presents have been coming in, Compass rooms have been decorated, we have had our Christmas Chapel Service and our Christmas outfits have been dusted off.

The Higher School Certificate examinations will finally finish on Friday this week. The Senior School team would like to acknowledge the outgoing Year 12 girls for their resilience, persistence and flexibility over these last few months in particular. Equally, the new Year 12 girls have shown such care for their older Year 12 2021 sisters, as the Senior School Centre has been the main examination space. I would also like to pay tribute to how the new Year 12 girls have accepted some changes to their routines to allow the exams to carry on peacefully. This has demonstrated the genuine kindness and concern that has come to typify the new Year 12 students.

Every Senior School student can be extremely proud of their efforts this year. We commend their resilience and integrity in managing the ups and downs that 2021 has presented. We wish all students and families a happy and festive Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year. Have a safe and enjoyable break.

Mrs Nikki Wyse
Head of Senior School


From the Deputy Principal – Students

Save the date

Paul Dillon will be hosting a parent event on Thursday 10 February 2022. This event is for all Secondary parents who would like to attend. Further details will be advised closer to the date.

Ms Lamia Rockwell 
Deputy Principal – Students (K-12)

From the Boarding School

From our Head of Boarding

We made it!  It has been a whirlwind term filled with love and laughter. We have felt blessed to have so many of our Boarders back with us and we have all enjoyed the beautiful sense of companionship that exists amongst the girls.

This sense of community was never more evident than in our final week of the term. It has been a busy time filled with gingerbread houses, new student sleepovers and our special Christmas Chapel Service and party. I hope the images below capture the sense of fun, friendship and festivity.

Staff News

I am delighted to announce our new Heads of Year (Boarding) who will join us in the new year.

Head of Years 7 and 8 Boarding

Ms Nikki McWhirter will be our new Head of Years 7 and 8 Boarding. Nikki hails from Coonabarabran in Western NSW. She is in experienced educator having spent the last six years at St Johns College, Dubbo, where she enjoyed teaching PDHPE and leading year groups.

As you will read below, Nikki is super excited about joining us at Pymble.

“I am making the move to the Head of Year Boarding role with a strong interest in female education and commitment to guiding and leading young females into strong women. I love everything extra-curricular, especially sports such as netball, touch football and water polo. I am looking forward to being part of all the co-curricular activities and supporting each student to reach their goals.

I am a country girl at heart, however I look forward to making the change from the country to the city. I see this as a great opportunity to support and encourage those young girls who are also from the country with their transition. I am super excited to work with everyone and meet all the girls, Boarding staff and the wider school community.”

Head of 9 Boarding

Ms Beth Ayling will join us from the start of 2021 as our Head of Year 9 Boarding. As you will read, Beth has a wealth of experience in the education sector and a passion for building strong connections.

“I am overwhelmingly thrilled to be joining the Pymble Ladies’ College family in 2022. I have worked as a primary teacher for the past 12 years and I found great joy in the connections I formed with students, parents and colleagues over this time. For the past two years I have worked in distance education and given the nature of this type of instruction, I found that I truly missed the opportunity to forge long lasting bonds with my students. This is what attracted me to Boarding, due to the huge focus on developing positive relationships rooted in care, empathy and mutual respect. I bring with me my partner, Ben, and our three fabulous children, Louis (six), Jimmy (three) and baby Billie (one). We are all excited about this new chapter in our lives and can’t wait to meet our Boarding families!” 

While it is wonderful to welcome these new staff members, I am sorry to say we will be farewelling some of our current staff.

Mrs Gaby Smith joined us last term as our Head of Year 11 Boarding. Gaby has been a fantastic addition to our team but following much consideration, she has decided to pursue opportunities beyond Pymble. I am incredibly grateful for Gaby’s gentle and comprehensive care of our Year 11 Boarders. As a mark of her commitment, Gaby has ensured that these girls have been well supported until their last day of 2021 and ready for their final step of their Boarding journey.  

Our deep thanks go to Gaby and her family for their many contributions to our Pymble family. I know you will join me in wishing Gaby all the best for the next stage of her professional journey.

We also say goodbye to our wonderful Gap Staff member Miss Emma Kelly. Emma joined us from Victoria at the start of the year and quickly became an indispensable member of our Boarding team. She has been hard working,100 per cent reliable and incredibly organised. We thank Emma for her dedication and diligence and wish her all the best as she resumes her studies in Melbourne next year.

Our good wishes also go with Mrs Emma Allsopp, Assistant Head of Year 10 Boarding, as she takes maternity leave at the end of the term. Emma has been a great asset in Goodlet House and she will be missed next term. I thank Emma for her support of our Goodlet girls and staff and thank her for so generously sharing her many talents with our Boarding family.

Sporty Boarders

Yes, we did win the Day girls versus Boarders sporting events this year and given the results from the Annual Sportswomen’s Dinner it is no surprise!

Congratulations to the following outstanding sportswomen who also happen to be star Boarders:

Laura Papworth – Athlete of the Year, AFL

Stella Robertson – Athlete of the Year, Gymnastics

Grace Whyte – Athlete of the Year, Basketball and Strive for the Highest Award and Team of the Year Award

Abigail Ballhausen – Athlete of the Year, Cross Country

Sophie Graham – Athlete of the Year, Rowing

Amarley Bron – Strive for the Highest Award and Team of the Year Award

Rylee McKinstry – Strive for the Highest Award

Aspen Moore – Strive for the Highest Award

Lucy Robertson – Strive for the Highest Award

Phoebe Roberts – Strive for the Highest Award

Chloe Hanlon – Team of the Year Award

Alice Hillsdon – Team of the Year Award

Tiffany Mak – Representative Team of the Year Award

The Margaret Brooke ‘Brooksie’ Award

Congratulations to Year 8 Boarder, Sophie Laing, who is our Term 4 ‘Brooksie’ recipient.  Sophie joined us last year from Tullamore in the Central West of NSW. She has been a bundle of energy, dedicated to her studies and a kind friend to many ever since she arrived. Despite her busy schedule, which includes playing water polo and representative netball, Sophie always finds time to help out around the house. Most recently, she produced a fun video to farewell her Year 9 Boarding sisters as they move to Goodlet House. She consistently demonstrates beautiful manners and excellent organisation and her room is always spotlessly tidy.

Sophie finds the best in any situation; this was particularly apparent this term when restrictions related to COVID-19 meant that some much longed for leave could not go ahead. In her usual style, Sophie accepted this with good grace, reorganised her plans and made the most of the weekend. Our thanks go to Sophie for her cheerful disposition, she brightens all of our days!

Lastly, and most importantly, my heartfelt thanks for sharing your beautiful girls with us. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of their lives and watch them grow and develop into the caring, giving and capable young women that they are.

Every good wish for a happy, safe and family filled festive season.

Mrs Carolyn Burgess
Director of Boarding
Co-curricular Administration

Co-curricular Administration

Performance Awards

Congratulations to students who have received a Performance Award for Term 4 2021. Please click here to view the full list of award winners.  

End of Term 4 Registration Period

The End of Term 4 Registration period opened at 12.00pm on Wednesday 24 November. This registration period will allow families to register their daughters for Term 1, Semester 1 and Yearly 2022 programs as well as Term 2 2022 Saturday sports.

Please note, we are having some difficulties with areas of the system such as capacities on classes. We will be working over the holidays to correct any data where classes have gone over capacity. Official confirmation of classes and waitlist spots will be sent after the system closes on Wednesday 12 January.

Registration for Term 1, Semester 1 and Yearly 2022 programs will close on Wednesday 12 January 2022. Term 2 Saturday sports will close on Friday 18 February 2022.

Term 1 2022 Saturday Sports

Term 1 2022 Saturday sport registrations closed on Monday 25 October at 12.00pm. If you have not yet completed a registration for your daughter, you will need to complete a Registration Request form and we will seek approval for the registration from the Co-ordinator. This form can be accessed on the Co-curricular Forms page by clicking here. Please remember that withdrawals from Saturday sports after the registration closing date are NOT automatically approved. Registering for a Saturday sport indicates your daughter’s commitment to play that sport during Term 1 2022.

If you have any questions about Co-curricular programs, please contact Co-curricular Administration at ccsa@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or on +61 2 9497 7848.

Mrs Monique Zahra
Head of Co-curricular Administration


Please see below for this week’s Sports news. 


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Athletics and Cross Country

2021 NSW All Schools Athletics Championships

Year 7

Grace Beck (Year 7)
13 Years 3000m Walk
14 Years 3000m Run

Selina Huang (Year 7)
13 Years Javelin Throw

Year 8

Lucinda Middleton (Year 8)
13 Years Hammer Throw
13 Years Shot Put

Grace Townsend (Year 8)
13 Years 400m Sprint
13 Years 80m Hurdles
13 Years 200m Hurdles
13 Years High Jump
13 Years Long Jump
13 Years Triple Jump

Samara Bond (Year 8)
14 Years 100m Sprint
14 Years 200m Sprint
14 years 400m Sprint

Sybella Warton (Year 8)
12 to 14 Years AMB 100m Sprint
12 to 14 Years AMB 200m Sprint

Mia Sams (Year 8)
14 Years 1500m Run
14 Years 800m Run

Sophia Slater (Year 8)
14 Years 1500m Run
14 Years 2000m Steeple

Tessa Newitt (Year 8)
14 Years 1500m Run
14 Years 800m Run

Louise Lovell (Year 8)
14 Years 200m Hurdles
14 Years Shot Put
14 Years Javelin Throw
14 Years 90m Hurdles
14 Years Long Jump

Sarah Lovell (Year 8)
14 Years 200m Hurdles
14 Years Shot Put
14 Years Javelin Throw
14 Years 90m Hurdles
14 Years Long Jump

Year 9

Sarah Baker (Year 9)
14 Years 1500m Run
14 Years 3000m Run

Ellie Beck (Year 9)
15 Years 1500m Run

Georgia Phillips (Year 9)
15 Years 1500m Run
15 Years 2000m Steeple
15 Years 3000m Run t

Sophie Livingstone (Year 9)
15 Years Shot Put
15 Years Javelin Throw

Year 10

Caitlyn Tan (Year 10)
16 Years 3000m Run

Gabriella Taylor (Year 10)
16 Years 100m Sprint
16 Years 200m Sprint

Rhedyn Wong (Year 10)
16 Years Discus Throw
16 Years Javelin Throw

Yi Ying Lim (Year 10)
15 to 16 Years AMB 800m Run

Year 11

Amelia Sim (Year 11)
16 Years Discus Throw 

Brianna Worsfold (Year 11)
16 Years Discus Throw
16 Years Shot Put
16 Years Javelin Throw

Georgia Spanswick (Year 11)
16 Years Javelin Throw

Olivia Rose Inkster (Year 11)
16 Years 100m Sprint
16 Years 200m Sprint
16 Years 400m Sprint

Sienna Bond (Year 11)
16 Years 100m Hurdles
16 Years Long Jump
16 Years Triple Jump

Cayla Phillips (Year 11)
17 Years 400m Sprint

Georgia Spanswick (Year 11)
17 Years Shot Put

Miss Megan O’Keeffe
Co-ordinator – Athletics and Cross Country


Well done to all divers who have participated in the Diving programs during Term 4.

A reminder to all competitive divers that there is a Return to Diving Competition at SOPAC on Sunday 12 December. All competitive divers are encouraged to participate in this event.

Training for competitive and pathways divers will be held in December in preparation for this event and the final training for this year. Please register for the NSW Diving program as soon as possible. To register for the Pymble Diving Holiday program, please click here to access the Co-curricular forms page; the form is located under the tab labelled ‘Diving’.

On the weekend the Junior Elite Diving Championships were held at SOPAC in an online format with judging occurring from an armchair rather than poolside. I was fortunate enough to be a judge for this event and am looking forward to the Elite Junior National online event next week.

Enjoy the holiday break, keep safe and fit. We look forward to returning to training programs in late January just in time for the Country and Metropolitan Championships on Saturday 22 January and Sunday 23 January in beautiful Orange.

Mrs Chris Lang
Head Coach – Diving



Congratulations to Opal Bird (Year 9) who has been selected to attend the 2022 Basketball Australia National Performance Camp to be held at the Australian Institute of Sport on Sunday 23 January to Wednesday 26 January 2022. This camp will be the start of the talent identification of the Australian squad for the 2023 FIBA Under 19 World Championships. The National Performance Camp has been a key talent development activity for more than 30 years and has seen Opals and Boomers legends such as Lauren Jackson, Penny Taylor, Jenna O’Hea, Patty Mills, Andrew Bogut and Aron Baynes attend the camp as junior players.

Rugby Sevens

Congratulations to Tess Elmslie (Year 9) who has been selected into the NSWRU Under 15 Youth Girls Sevens Development Squad for 2022.

 Congratulations to Isobel Gosper (Year 11) who has been selected into the NSWRU Under 17 Youth Girls Sevens Squad for 2022.

Ms Skye Halliday
Co-ordinator – Pymble Elite Sportswomen Program


Last week our Surfing Captain Cayla Phillips (Year 11) headed to the NSW Junior State Championships in Wollongong. Due to the waves and conditions, the scores for all surfers were low and made it difficult to get through to the finals. This did not deter Cayla from entering the Australian Boardriders Battle with her local Northern Beaches club, Mona Vale, the following week where she competed against the best surfers on the peninsula in horrendous conditions with six to eight-foot waves. Surfing is a challenging sport as it is at the mercy of the elements that continually change. It was impressive to see Cayla challenging herself in these competitions and representing the Pymble Surfing program so well.

Miss Gina Rees
Co-ordinator – Surfing
Performing Arts

Performing Arts

Congratulations to all students who have participated in any of the areas of Performing Arts this year. It has been a tumultuous year for many and, at times, one of uncertainty, frustration, but also great determination and perseverance. There have also been some outstanding performances and results achieved in competitions. Some have had more performance opportunities than others and some have crossed over to an online format with relative ease. Whatever the case, I say Bravo! to them all and thank you to the parents for their ongoing support of their daughters’ Performing Arts activities. Also I wish to acknowledge and express my thanks and congratulations to each of the heads of PA areas for their wonderful leadership; Miss Katrina Cluff – Dance, Miss Tamara Sweetman – Drama, Mrs Bronwyn Hubbard – Language Arts and Mr Kurt Schweinberger – Music.

They have done an amazing job under often very trying circumstances.

I am excited for 2022 when it is my fervent hope that our activities can revert to more normal operation and circumstances.

Please access this link to read the full list of Performing Arts Awards that have been awarded in 2021.

Best wishes to all students and families for a safe, happy and healthy Christmas and holiday season, sharing joy, love and laughter.

Performing Arts Support Group Meeting

Congratulations and thank you to the new leadership team that was appointed at last night’s meeting. They are as follows:

  • Group Leader – Kim Johnson
  • Treasurer – Emma Maple-Brown
  • Record Keeper – Pip Allen
  • Event Catering Co-ordinator – Melissa Markson
  • Music Group Co-ordinator – Melissa Markson
  • Drama Group Co-ordinator – Helen Cobain
  • Dance Group Co-ordinator – TBC
  • Language Art Group Co-ordinator – Sophia Fang

We also farewelled Mrs Helen Jarvis, Mrs Raj Narayan and Mrs Ruth Gibson, long-standing members of the Music Support Group, whose daughters – having just completed their HSC – will no longer be at the College. In addition, Mrs Catherine Dean was thanked as the outgoing Group Leader for all her work in leading the group though some challenging times over the last year or so, and Mrs Belinda Bahari for the wonderful work she has done as the Event Catering Co-ordinator for the group. Both these wonderful mothers are stepping down from these positions but will continue to be involved in the group and for that I am incredibly grateful.

Any parents who would be interested in being part of this dynamic group please contact the Group Leader, Mrs Kim Johnson kimbo.johnson@gmail.com

Mrs Sabina Turner
Director of Co-Curricular Performing Arts

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Language Arts

Language Arts

What a year and what successes and celebrations we have seen in Language Arts in 2021! Thank you to all who have been a part of the Language Arts family this year. We know our students have grown in confidence and skills and we hope you have all enjoyed the journey. Thanks especially to our exceptional outgoing captains, Chloe Hoang (Year 11) and Faye Chang (Year 11) and all the best for your HSC year. To our new team of captains, Alyssa Yee – Debating (Year 10), Angie Wang – Public Speaking (Year 10), Christine Hur – Mock Law (Year 10) and Isabella Cameron – Model UN (Year 10) and our Language Arts Prefect – Meera Barani (Year 11), thank you and we look forward to the new initiatives of 2022. Also, a special thank you to our Language Arts support parent team, Sophia Fang, Aimy Hoang and Sam Yee whose help has been invaluable. To our Year 12 leavers, students from Years 4 to 11, our families, our coaches, and the CCSA team. Mrs Martha Itzcovitz in Junior School and the wider Performing Arts team, thank you for helping Language Arts shine and have a safe and relaxing break. We look forward to seeing you in Language Arts 2022. Still, with a Mediation team Grand Final ahead and two public speakers in the UN Voice of Youth Grand Final tomorrow, our Language Arts year is not quite over!

Archdale Debating – Grand Final Last Week

We won! Congratulations to Pymble Archdale team 7A and Coach Amarthya Nagaratnam. Well done Amber Wang, Jessica Zhai, Jessica Xu and Katherine Pan.

International Debating – Best Junior Speaker

Congratulations to Teams 1 and 2 on their progression to IDC finals and Team 1 progressed to the Grand Final. Three Junior debaters, Jacqueline Zhu, Angela Tao, and Jenny Ling were in the top speaker list, with Jacqueline taking top place. Ten teams competed. Thanks to coach Becky Huang and to Mrs Itzcovitz.

Mediation Grand Final

Congratulations to our Mediators who competed in their online semi-final and scored an impressive 97/100! They have now progressed to the Grand Final to be held tomorrow, Friday 3 December, at noon. Well done students and thanks to Mrs Jarvis and assistant coach, Amy Jarvis for their ongoing training and support.


Auditions have been held for 2022 Debating teams. Auditions were only for students who will be in Years 8 to 12 in 2022.

Please contact Mrs Hubbard should you need a catch-up debate. Some students may be asked to an online or face-to-face call back.

Please email Mrs Hubbard, BHubbard@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au If you have any questions.

Students in Year 7 in 2022 and new students will be auditioned in the first weeks of Term 1 next year and teams will be released prior to 18 February when the ISDA and FED seasons are due to commence.

Mock Law Auditions and Debating Catch ups have been held. Mediation auditions are being held, online, this afternoon.

Please email Mrs Hubbard, BHubbard@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au If you have any questions.

UN Voice finalists

Thank you to the eight students who crafted and edited impressive speeches and then logged in for an impromptu session. We wish Chelsea Shi (Year 9) and Evelyn Zhu (Year 8) all the best as they perform in the NSW State Final tomorrow.

Mrs Bronwyn Hubbard
Head of Language Arts


Co-curricular Concert Band Ensembles in 2022

As you are aware, 2022 has been a difficult time for students given the current restriction and their ability to participate in one of the Colleges many ensembles. However, with restrictions easing slightly for wind and brass instruments, Concert Bands will commence at the start of 2022 in the following format and adhering to the government restrictions (students must rehearse outside and within cohorts).

Senior School:

  • Year 9 and 10 students – Monday 6.50am to 8.00am
  • Year 7 and 8 students – Tuesday 6.50am to 8.00am
  • Year 11 and 12 students – Wednesday 6.50am to 8.00am

Junior School:

  • Year 5 students – Tuesday 3.00pm to 4.15pm
  • Year 6 students – Thursday 7.15am to 8.05am

If there are any changes in the restrictions, allowing students to mix across cohorts and hence our former Band structure to resume, students and parent will be informed at the start of Term 1, 2022.

Let’s Get Loud with the Junior School Jazz Band

Congratulations to Mrs Goodman and students from Year 5 and 6 on this impressive virtual performance of the jazz classic, Satin Doll. While online, students learnt and prepared their individual part for this exciting performance. Many thanks to their conductor, Mrs Patrice Goodman on making this exciting learning opportunity happen for this ensemble. I hope you enjoy their performance.

Instrumental Teacher Update

Congratulations to the following students and their dedicated teachers on these impressive results examination results and prizes at the City of Sydney Eisteddfod. It is wonderful to see students achieving to such a high level. Many of these students have had to continue their lessons online while the restrictions continue.

Clare Ferreira (Year 6)               B         Grade 3 Oboe Video Repertoire exam

Josephine Green (Year 9)          B+       Grade 6 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam 

Tessa Gregory-Reid (Year 7)     B         Grade 3 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam

Cindy Hu (Year 11)                     B         Grade 8 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam 

Estelle Vander (Year 9)              B         Grade 5 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam 

Aurora Zhang (Year 4)                B+       Grade 4 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam


Aurora Zhang                              A+       Grade 1 Musicianship

Charlotte Wu                               A+       Grade 1 Musicianship

Sophia Chen                               A+       Grade 1 Musicianship

Melody Chen                               A         Grade 2 Musicianship

Imogen Wu                                 A+       Grade 2 Musicianship

Chloe Frontczak                         A+       Grade 3 Musicianship

Anna Ward                                  A+       Grade 3 Musicianship

Claire Oslington                          A         Grade 4 Musicianship

Candace Xi                                 A         Grade 4 Musicianship


Aine Oo (Year 8)                  3rd Place     Sydney Eisteddfod in the Clarinet 15 years & under section.

Gabrielle Zhong (Year 9)     2nd Place    Sydney Eisteddfod in the Cello 15 & Under section

Special congratulations must go to Gabrielle Zhong (Year 9) who was awarded her L.Mus with Distinction in her recent cello examination. This is a wonderful achievement for such a young student.

Year 8 Student Cast in Opera Australia’s Production Of La Boheme

Congratulations to Madeleine Watson (Year 8) who has been cast in the children’s Chorus for Opera Australia’s 2022 production of La Boheme. The production opens at the Sydney Opera House in January 2022. This is a wonderful achievement and one we look forward to hearing about as she makes her debut at the Sydney Opera House.

Musicianship Lessons

A reminder to all students sitting AMEB examinations, many of the higher grades require a particular level of musicianship training. Students are encouraged to speak with their teacher about the requirements for each grade. The College has many teachers who teach this aspect of the AMEB syllabus, either individually or as part of a group lesson.

For further information please contact musicadmin@pymblelc.nsw.edu or speak with your daughter’s teacher.

Mr Kurt Schweinberger
Head of Co-curricular Music
Speech and Drama

Speech and Drama

Recent Success!

Congratulations to the following students who have achieved remarkable results.

AMEB Diploma in Professional Communication with Distinction (APCA)

Tara Narayan
Vivian Xuan Wen

AMEB Certificate in Voice and Communication (CVCA)

Thanya Paidi 
Zoey Chen
Jessica Wang
Anna Wang

Sydney Eisteddfod – 1st Place Poetry Speaking

Evelyn Zhu

Year 6 Musical – Once Upon a Lockdown

Dear Pymble Family and friends…

You are warmly invited to view Once Upon a Lockdown, our enchanting Year 6 musical, brought to you by Year 6 2021.

This extra-special, on-demand show will be a unique evening of online entertainment in the time of COVID-19 for your daughter’s nearest and dearest.

We look forward to the pleasure of your (virtual) company. 

The viewing link has been posted on MyPymble – join the fun there!

Careers Information

Careers Information

Open Days and Info Sessions

University of Newcastle | Campus Tours

Friday 3 December, 10.00am – Friday 10 December, 4.00pm
University of Newcastle, All Campuses
Find out more: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/study/campus-tours

iCanMed | Summer Holiday Study Plan: How to Catch Up on UCAT Prep

Sunday 5 December, 1.00pm – 3.30pm
Online. Find out more: https://www.bigmarker.com/icanmed/summer-plan-2

ADF | Virtual ADFA Careers Information Session

Thursday 9 December, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Online. Find out more: https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/events/events-detail/dhqj2bx

Explore Your Options

Monday 13 December, 10.00am – Thursday 23 December, 4.00pm
Macquarie University and Online
Find out more: https://page.mq.edu.au/explore-your-options-EOI.html

UNSW | Careers in Business

Monday 13 December 2021, 4:00 pm – Tuesday 14 December 2021, 5:30 pm
Online. Find out more: https://www.events.unsw.edu.au/event/careers-business

UTS | Year 12 Engineering and IT – on campus tours

Tuesday 14 December, 9.00am – Wednesday 15 December, 7.00pm
UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT, Broadway
Find out more: https://events.humanitix.com/year-12-uts-engineering-and-it-on-campus-tours

DARTA | Parenting, alcohol, parties and sleepovers in Year 9

Thursday 20 January 2022, 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Online. Find out more: https://events.humanitix.com/parenting-alcohol-parties-and-sleepovers-in-year-9

NAS | Summer School 2022
University of Sydney | The Santos Science Experience

Wednesday 20 April 2022, 8.00am – Friday 22 April 2022, 3.00pm
The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus
Find out more: https://www.scienceexperience.com.au/programs/apply


Capstone Editing Textbook Grant for Undergraduates

Value: $3,000 AUD
Open/Closing Dates: 4 March 2021 – 6 January 2022
Find out more

UOW The William Dor Transforming Futures Scholarship in Engineering and Information Sciences

Value: $5,000 AUD per year
Open/Closing Dates: 27 October 2021 – 28 January 2022
Find out more

UNSW Welcome Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds

Value: $10,000 AUD
Open/Closing Dates: 29 October 2021 – 12 January 2022
Find out more

Macquarie Maybanke Anderson Scholarship in Early Indigenous Education

Value: $2,500 AUD
Open/Closing Dates: 1 November 2021 – 1 March 2022
Find out more



Cyber Safety Hub

Your family, your school and cyber safety

Our school recognises that children today are growing up in an increasingly online world and that it’s important that we do more to support and guide them to navigate this digital landscape.

Successfully developing healthy and responsible digital citizens requires a holistic approach, and that’s why our school’s cyber safety ecosystem allows us to work collaboratively with you to support your children’s digital development and provide the advice and support you need.

Click here to access the Pymble Cyber Safety Hub.

East Meru Community School Sponsorship Opportunity

The East Meru Community School, (EMCS), is located in a remote rural Village, in the Meru District of Arusha, Tanzania. The school is owned by Tikundane NGO, a Tanzanian registered Non-Governmental Organisation and is managed by the School’s Director Mrs Mary Horne. The EMCS recruits its pupils from some of the most disadvantaged homes in the village. The school is strongly rooted in the community with the employment of local staff and development of projects that benefit the whole community. Click here to learn more about the school.

Pymble has supported ECMS since it was established in 2012 and our students have visited and helped build five of the school’s classrooms. We look forward to continuing to support the East Meru school and their community and resume student service learning tours to Tanzania in the future. We encourage you to consider this sponsorship opportunity.

Click here to learn more about this opportunity.

From the Director of Community Engagement

From the Director of Community Engagement

College Online Shop 2022 Opening Dates

The College Uniform Shop will reopen for face-to-face purchases from Monday 17 January – the times are as follows:

Monday 17 January to Friday 21 January, 9.00am to 3.00pm

Monday 24 January and Tuesday 25 January, 9.00am to 4.30pm

Wednesday 26 January – closed

Thursday 27 January, 9.00am to 4.30pm

Friday 28 January, 10.30am to 4.30pm

2021 Year in Review Video

As we sign off for the final newsletter of 2021 I am delighted to share with you our Year in Review video. This montage showcases some of our events and highlights of 2021. Enjoy!

Have a safe and happy holiday break from the Community Engagement team!

Mrs Kelly Mancey
Director – Community Engagement 


PymConnect is our online mentoring platform, designed to link our Pymble alumni, parents and carers to facilitate mentoring opportunities that help create a culture of shared learning, and enhance personal and professional growth.  

Since the launch of PymConnect last year we have received an enthusiastic response from our community. We currently have 177 mentors and 159 mentees making connections and building a sense of belonging.

The past 18 months have been extraordinary with lockdowns and restrictions impacting the lives of everyone – including our current Year 12 students. As they prepare to complete their HSC studies and embark on their next life journey, this is a time where connections and support are important. In preparation for our newest graduates joining PymConnect, we would like to invite you to participate in this program as a mentor.  

A special thanks to those of you who have signed up to join the program following our last invitation. 

To express your interest or to ask us a question, please feel free to reach out to us at pymconnect@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au or call Mrs Katrina Corcoran on +61 2 9855 7304. 

Pymble Business Directory – Now Live

Pymble Business Directory – Now Live

The College is pleased to announce the Pymble Business Directory to current families. The Pymble Business Directory will allow Pymble families to advertise your business or service to our Pymble family. 

Businesses who have registered can now be found on the Pymble website here

To list your business, please complete the attached form.

With your support, we hope the Pymble Business Directory will grow to become a valuable resource to our Pymble families. 


School Magazine 2020

School Magazine 2020

Keeping Up With Our Boarders – Term 3

Keeping Up With Our Boarders – Term 3

Parent Handbook 2021

Our Parent Handbook provides a quick and easy reference for families on all things Pymble. We encourage all our families to familiarise themselves with the handbook.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification on any of the information contained in the handbook, please contact communityengagement@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au.