From the Senior School

From our Head of Senior School

The Christmas spirit has been building amongst the students and this week there has been a greater buzz as holidays approach. The first Year 12 2022 assessments are completed and students can be proud of their academic efforts. Over the break the girls should be spending some time organising their revision notes and doing some preparation such as reading their English texts or working on extension and practical projects. Most importantly, they need to find some time to relax and rejuvenate with friends and family.

The Senior School has been celebrating Christmas this week – the Secret Santa presents have been coming in, Compass rooms have been decorated, we have had our Christmas Chapel Service and our Christmas outfits have been dusted off.

The Higher School Certificate examinations will finally finish on Friday this week. The Senior School team would like to acknowledge the outgoing Year 12 girls for their resilience, persistence and flexibility over these last few months in particular. Equally, the new Year 12 girls have shown such care for their older Year 12 2021 sisters, as the Senior School Centre has been the main examination space. I would also like to pay tribute to how the new Year 12 girls have accepted some changes to their routines to allow the exams to carry on peacefully. This has demonstrated the genuine kindness and concern that has come to typify the new Year 12 students.

Every Senior School student can be extremely proud of their efforts this year. We commend their resilience and integrity in managing the ups and downs that 2021 has presented. We wish all students and families a happy and festive Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year. Have a safe and enjoyable break.

Mrs Nikki Wyse
Head of Senior School


From the Deputy Principal – Students

Save the date

Paul Dillon will be hosting a parent event on Thursday 10 February 2022. This event is for all Secondary parents who would like to attend. Further details will be advised closer to the date.

Ms Lamia Rockwell 
Deputy Principal – Students (K-12)