Performing Arts

Congratulations to all students who have participated in any of the areas of Performing Arts this year. It has been a tumultuous year for many and, at times, one of uncertainty, frustration, but also great determination and perseverance. There have also been some outstanding performances and results achieved in competitions. Some have had more performance opportunities than others and some have crossed over to an online format with relative ease. Whatever the case, I say Bravo! to them all and thank you to the parents for their ongoing support of their daughters’ Performing Arts activities. Also I wish to acknowledge and express my thanks and congratulations to each of the heads of PA areas for their wonderful leadership; Miss Katrina Cluff – Dance, Miss Tamara Sweetman – Drama, Mrs Bronwyn Hubbard – Language Arts and Mr Kurt Schweinberger – Music.

They have done an amazing job under often very trying circumstances.

I am excited for 2022 when it is my fervent hope that our activities can revert to more normal operation and circumstances.

Please access this link to read the full list of Performing Arts Awards that have been awarded in 2021.

Best wishes to all students and families for a safe, happy and healthy Christmas and holiday season, sharing joy, love and laughter.

Performing Arts Support Group Meeting

Congratulations and thank you to the new leadership team that was appointed at last night’s meeting. They are as follows:

  • Group Leader – Kim Johnson
  • Treasurer – Emma Maple-Brown
  • Record Keeper – Pip Allen
  • Event Catering Co-ordinator – Melissa Markson
  • Music Group Co-ordinator – Melissa Markson
  • Drama Group Co-ordinator – Helen Cobain
  • Dance Group Co-ordinator – TBC
  • Language Art Group Co-ordinator – Sophia Fang

We also farewelled Mrs Helen Jarvis, Mrs Raj Narayan and Mrs Ruth Gibson, long-standing members of the Music Support Group, whose daughters – having just completed their HSC – will no longer be at the College. In addition, Mrs Catherine Dean was thanked as the outgoing Group Leader for all her work in leading the group though some challenging times over the last year or so, and Mrs Belinda Bahari for the wonderful work she has done as the Event Catering Co-ordinator for the group. Both these wonderful mothers are stepping down from these positions but will continue to be involved in the group and for that I am incredibly grateful.

Any parents who would be interested in being part of this dynamic group please contact the Group Leader, Mrs Kim Johnson

Mrs Sabina Turner
Director of Co-Curricular Performing Arts