Language Arts

What a year and what successes and celebrations we have seen in Language Arts in 2021! Thank you to all who have been a part of the Language Arts family this year. We know our students have grown in confidence and skills and we hope you have all enjoyed the journey. Thanks especially to our exceptional outgoing captains, Chloe Hoang (Year 11) and Faye Chang (Year 11) and all the best for your HSC year. To our new team of captains, Alyssa Yee – Debating (Year 10), Angie Wang – Public Speaking (Year 10), Christine Hur – Mock Law (Year 10) and Isabella Cameron – Model UN (Year 10) and our Language Arts Prefect – Meera Barani (Year 11), thank you and we look forward to the new initiatives of 2022. Also, a special thank you to our Language Arts support parent team, Sophia Fang, Aimy Hoang and Sam Yee whose help has been invaluable. To our Year 12 leavers, students from Years 4 to 11, our families, our coaches, and the CCSA team. Mrs Martha Itzcovitz in Junior School and the wider Performing Arts team, thank you for helping Language Arts shine and have a safe and relaxing break. We look forward to seeing you in Language Arts 2022. Still, with a Mediation team Grand Final ahead and two public speakers in the UN Voice of Youth Grand Final tomorrow, our Language Arts year is not quite over!

Archdale Debating – Grand Final Last Week

We won! Congratulations to Pymble Archdale team 7A and Coach Amarthya Nagaratnam. Well done Amber Wang, Jessica Zhai, Jessica Xu and Katherine Pan.

International Debating – Best Junior Speaker

Congratulations to Teams 1 and 2 on their progression to IDC finals and Team 1 progressed to the Grand Final. Three Junior debaters, Jacqueline Zhu, Angela Tao, and Jenny Ling were in the top speaker list, with Jacqueline taking top place. Ten teams competed. Thanks to coach Becky Huang and to Mrs Itzcovitz.

Mediation Grand Final

Congratulations to our Mediators who competed in their online semi-final and scored an impressive 97/100! They have now progressed to the Grand Final to be held tomorrow, Friday 3 December, at noon. Well done students and thanks to Mrs Jarvis and assistant coach, Amy Jarvis for their ongoing training and support.


Auditions have been held for 2022 Debating teams. Auditions were only for students who will be in Years 8 to 12 in 2022.

Please contact Mrs Hubbard should you need a catch-up debate. Some students may be asked to an online or face-to-face call back.

Please email Mrs Hubbard, If you have any questions.

Students in Year 7 in 2022 and new students will be auditioned in the first weeks of Term 1 next year and teams will be released prior to 18 February when the ISDA and FED seasons are due to commence.

Mock Law Auditions and Debating Catch ups have been held. Mediation auditions are being held, online, this afternoon.

Please email Mrs Hubbard, If you have any questions.

UN Voice finalists

Thank you to the eight students who crafted and edited impressive speeches and then logged in for an impromptu session. We wish Chelsea Shi (Year 9) and Evelyn Zhu (Year 8) all the best as they perform in the NSW State Final tomorrow.

Mrs Bronwyn Hubbard
Head of Language Arts