From the Deputy Principal – Academic (K-12)

Adjustments to the Secondary Day structure for 2022

At the start of next year, Secondary students and staff will be working from a new five-period day timetable.

The current six-period day was designed to provide daily check-ins for Compass teachers with their students and to unlock time for students to be taught a Wellbeing curriculum in Directions lessons. Unfortunately, staff and students have found that the current six-period day timetable amplified key issues such as:

  • A busier day with additional homework and movement around campus
  • Interruptions to academic class time
  • Two periods after lunch, which is not optimal for learning
  • A reduction in Chapel time.

Based on this feedback, the academic leaders of the College met to design key principles upon which a new timetable could be designed.

This new timetable is designed around some key principles:

  1. Reducing cognitive overload – design for less classes per day
  2. Increasing academic care time – provide time in the day for students to access support and help from their teachers, develop great study practices and prepare well for assessments
  3. Create the conditions for high impact teaching and learning
  4. Increased alignment between academic structures across stages.

From these principles a new timetable has been designed with a consistent time each day for Compass teachers to see their class. It provides the option for shorter and longer lessons to better support a variety of teaching and learning approaches and subject types. Opportunities for supervised study periods for students in Years 7 to 10 are unlocked, helping them prepare for their Senior years of study.

Mr Justin Raymond
Deputy Principal – Academic (K-12)