
Co-curricular Concert Band Ensembles in 2022

As you are aware, 2022 has been a difficult time for students given the current restriction and their ability to participate in one of the Colleges many ensembles. However, with restrictions easing slightly for wind and brass instruments, Concert Bands will commence at the start of 2022 in the following format and adhering to the government restrictions (students must rehearse outside and within cohorts).

Senior School:

  • Year 9 and 10 students – Monday 6.50am to 8.00am
  • Year 7 and 8 students – Tuesday 6.50am to 8.00am
  • Year 11 and 12 students – Wednesday 6.50am to 8.00am

Junior School:

  • Year 5 students – Tuesday 3.00pm to 4.15pm
  • Year 6 students – Thursday 7.15am to 8.05am

If there are any changes in the restrictions, allowing students to mix across cohorts and hence our former Band structure to resume, students and parent will be informed at the start of Term 1, 2022.

Let’s Get Loud with the Junior School Jazz Band

Congratulations to Mrs Goodman and students from Year 5 and 6 on this impressive virtual performance of the jazz classic, Satin Doll. While online, students learnt and prepared their individual part for this exciting performance. Many thanks to their conductor, Mrs Patrice Goodman on making this exciting learning opportunity happen for this ensemble. I hope you enjoy their performance.

Instrumental Teacher Update

Congratulations to the following students and their dedicated teachers on these impressive results examination results and prizes at the City of Sydney Eisteddfod. It is wonderful to see students achieving to such a high level. Many of these students have had to continue their lessons online while the restrictions continue.

Clare Ferreira (Year 6)               B         Grade 3 Oboe Video Repertoire exam

Josephine Green (Year 9)          B+       Grade 6 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam 

Tessa Gregory-Reid (Year 7)     B         Grade 3 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam

Cindy Hu (Year 11)                     B         Grade 8 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam 

Estelle Vander (Year 9)              B         Grade 5 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam 

Aurora Zhang (Year 4)                B+       Grade 4 Trumpet Video Repertoire exam


Aurora Zhang                              A+       Grade 1 Musicianship

Charlotte Wu                               A+       Grade 1 Musicianship

Sophia Chen                               A+       Grade 1 Musicianship

Melody Chen                               A         Grade 2 Musicianship

Imogen Wu                                 A+       Grade 2 Musicianship

Chloe Frontczak                         A+       Grade 3 Musicianship

Anna Ward                                  A+       Grade 3 Musicianship

Claire Oslington                          A         Grade 4 Musicianship

Candace Xi                                 A         Grade 4 Musicianship


Aine Oo (Year 8)                  3rd Place     Sydney Eisteddfod in the Clarinet 15 years & under section.

Gabrielle Zhong (Year 9)     2nd Place    Sydney Eisteddfod in the Cello 15 & Under section

Special congratulations must go to Gabrielle Zhong (Year 9) who was awarded her L.Mus with Distinction in her recent cello examination. This is a wonderful achievement for such a young student.

Year 8 Student Cast in Opera Australia’s Production Of La Boheme

Congratulations to Madeleine Watson (Year 8) who has been cast in the children’s Chorus for Opera Australia’s 2022 production of La Boheme. The production opens at the Sydney Opera House in January 2022. This is a wonderful achievement and one we look forward to hearing about as she makes her debut at the Sydney Opera House.

Musicianship Lessons

A reminder to all students sitting AMEB examinations, many of the higher grades require a particular level of musicianship training. Students are encouraged to speak with their teacher about the requirements for each grade. The College has many teachers who teach this aspect of the AMEB syllabus, either individually or as part of a group lesson.

For further information please contact or speak with your daughter’s teacher.

Mr Kurt Schweinberger
Head of Co-curricular Music