From our Chaplains

Welcome back and Happy Lunar New Year! I hope you’ve all had a great break and opportunities to slow down and catch up with loved ones. It is also important to acknowledge that the Christmas break can be difficult for some families for various reasons. For all of us getting back to our routines can be exciting and requires some readjusting.

Last Sunday we welcomed our new Boarding families – and on Monday we had our Year 7s start. In our Year 7 chapel service we encouraged our new Year 7s to make mistakes, colossal mistakes – now that is a good new year’s resolution. In one sense it was to take the pressure off, but it was also as Albert Einstein once said, “anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new.” As an educational institution it is important to recognise we are a place of learning, which means failing and making mistakes.

Presently in the Christian church we are in the season of Epiphany, a season of unveiling, seeing God in a new light in the person of Christ, perhaps seeing God in ourselves and in others. Often, in order to make room for the new to come in, we need to let go of the old, and even more difficult is recognising our own wrongs/mistakes.

I would like to offer a prayer for us as a community: that we may commit ourselves afresh to our own religious or philosophical values and embody those things we hold to be sacred and important. May the blessings of the Holy One bless you and those you love. Amen.

Reverend Lorenzo Rodriguez Torres
College Chaplain